Almost Sam

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You are really close with Sam, even flirty some times. You don't usually get along with Dean, until you and Sam drift because of Ruby. Sam finds out just how close you and Dean have gotten.

Warnings: arguing, language, friends fighting.

I rode on Sam's back, laughing as he ran us through the woods. We went on a hike through this nature trail near Bobby's and I rolled my ankle when I tripped as we raced. So, he offered to carry me back to the car.

He's been my best friend for three years now. He's a year old than me, and we met on a hunt. He and his ass of an older brother saved me when I was pinned down by two vamps alone. His sweet nature brought us together.

Dean, on the other hand, he and I butt heads more than anything because he's so bossy. He says that I'm a brat who needs to learn to listen for my own safety. He acts like I can't handle myself; as if I wasn't doing this myself before I met them.

"Here we are, take it easy, Liv." Sam said sweetly as he put me down on my feet.

"Thanks, Sam. It's fine. Just a rolled ankle. It'll be alright in no time."

He sighed and opened the passenger side door for me, "I know, I feel bad that you got hurt when we were racing; it was my idea."

I pushed his shoulder playfully, "Don't even worry about it."

Back at Bobby's he got me some ice and handed me the TV remote. "Watch whatever you want, tonight."

I rolled my eyes, but smiled. "Stop babying me, Sam. I'm totally fine."

Dean sat down next to me and took the remote from my hand with a sigh, "You heard her, Sammy, she's alright." He took a sip of the beer that was in his hand and turned on an old cowboy movie.

Sam huffed and took the remote back, "Dean, don't be a douche."

I stuck my tongue out at Dean as Sam gave it back to me.

"You're such a brat, Alivia." I hated that he insisted on using my full name.

It's always like that between me and Dean.

I found Porky's 2: The Next Day on TV and got excited, it was only five minutes in. Dean raised an eyebrow at me.

"What?" I snapped.

Sam smirked and shook his head, "I'm going to get us all some dinner, okay?"

I nodded, "Thanks, bud."

"Yeah, thanks Sammy." Dean commented, still looking at me weird.

I huffed as Sam left and rolled my eyes at Dean's staring. "What are you looking at, Winchester?"

He sighed, "Nothing. Just... didn't know you like this movie. I uh, do too."

"Oh. Okay." I mumbled and turned back to the TV.

When Sam came back we all ate, then he sat on the other side of me. He winked at me, triggering the flirty part of our relationship. It happens a lot, but it's never been physical. We just flirt, and cuddle sometimes.

Tonight was one of those times. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me against him to rest his cheek on top of my head.

We stayed like that until late. Bobby came home and went to bed, and Dean went off to sleep too. So Sam and I just stayed curled together on the couch.

He shifted so he was laying down, and pulled me to practically lay on top of him.

"I'm so sleepy." I whispered in my, as he calls it, 'cracky-voice'.

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