Let me forget (Sam)

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Post-break up with Sam, you get drunk and pray-vent to Cas. Cas is with Sam and tells him what you're saying.

Written from Natalie's P.O.V. again. Short, and leaves off where you could make your own choice ending.

Trigger warnings: breaking up, drinking, swearing, crying.

Sam and I have been broken up for two and a half months. And I've been absolutely miserable since that night. I drink myself to sleep at least three nights a week just to make the thoughts stop. Tonight was one of those nights.

I wish there was a way to forget. To forget how much he meant to me. To to forget how things used to be. To forget the breakup and heartbreak, to be back together if we could. So, to help I started on a bottle of vodka. Here I am now, about an hour later and the bottle was almost gone already. I'm getting more and more upset instead of it helping me forget.

I ended up blaring heart break music, singing at the top of my lungs and crying. Then I was laying on the couch bawling like a moron.

I was feeling desperate I prayed to Cas; not to have him come to me, but just to vent. I needed to get it off my chest, and let it all just be said out loud. Then nothing would have to come from it and maybe I would feel better.

'Cas, I really need to try to forget him. I need to have my memory wiped. I need to forget about how things ended. I can't breathe without him! I miss him so much that it physically hurts. I want to wake up and forget it all, and be with him again without all the bad memories. I cannot breathe. My mind only revolves around him, all the time and how things ended with us. He broke me. Please... make it all leave my mind.'

Sam's P.O.V.
Dean and Cas were working on the lore and I was working on some research on my laptop. Cas suddenly froze and held his temple, focused on listening to something in his head. I looked at Dean, he shrugged and we both looked to Cas.

"It's Natalie." Her name had my attention immediately. "What about her? What's wrong?" I asked quickly, worried right away that something was really wrong and maybe she was hurt and calling for help. He tilted his head, his eyes squinting like they always do when he's focused and thinking. Then he looked really sad, which only made me more worried. "She's sad. She's crying. She wants her memories of you wiped from her mind. She says she is drinking a lot, and wants to forget because she feels like she can't breathe. She wants to forget that you guys broke up and be together again or just never remember you, because all her mind ever does is think of you." His words were hard to hear.

I regret how things ended with me and Nat, and I wish we were together still. But I'm always horrible with words and emotions. Dean looked over at me, so I looked at him too. "Sam... you should call her." I shook my head, "I'm the one who hurt her, man. She is drunk and upset. She doesn't want me anymore." "No, Sam.. I've listened to her thoughts randomly since she left, just to check in on her, and she misses you and wants you back even when she isn't drunk." Cas said softly.

Dean gave me a stupid 'come on man you know I'm right' face. He loved her like family. I sighed and shook my head, "I really can't do that to her, guys. It's going to take her some time but..." My phone started ringing, and it was her.

I walked off to my room as I answered it, "Hey, Nat. What's going on?" "Sam... I'm just.. so upset." She stammered. Probably vodka; she always gets extra emotional when she drinks vodka. "I heard, and I'm so sorry Nat. I wish I could fix it for you, and make it all go away. But we're apart for a reason, right?"

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