Purgatory pt. 2

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Coming back to reality. Finally exploring that connection with Dean. Finding Sam

Warnings: Smut.

I sighed and pulled him to me, "It's alright. He'll get through. He'll find a way out..."

He pulled away gently. "Liv, I have something else I need to do, alright? I have to get Benny to his bones. I need to know you'll be alright. So, uh, you just go to Bobby's cabin. I have to get to Louisiana."

I shook my head, "No. I'll take you there. Then we can go to the cabin together, okay?" I did not want to leave him to travel alone.

"Liv, please. I don't want to have this fight." He grumbled.

"So don't argue with me. I'll go get us a car and figure out where we are. Then I can drive you to where you need to do your thing. Then we will be able to go to the cabin together. Alright?"

He sighed and leaned his forehead to mine. "What would I do without you?"

I giggled, "It's a good thing I don't plan on you having to figure that one out. Let's go see what town we are in, and I'll find us a ride."

So I lead the way, him babying his arm like it hurt to have Benny's soul in there.

We found out we were in Maine. I got us a decent car and we took off. I drove all the way to Louisiana. I was getting really tired by the time we got there. Then he got out of the car to walk up to do the ritual thing to give Benny his body back.

I laid my head down in the passenger seat. Dean would be able to drive us from here.

The driver's door opened and I sat up straight then smiled seeing it was only Dean. "Hey."

He smirked at me, "You're so adorable when your voice gets all cracky when you're sleepy."

I blushed, and he chuckled at me. "Thanks, I think. uh, where to now?"

"The cabin. Eventually. And we have to find Sammy. But you can go to sleep now, Liv. You drove for a long ass time and I appreciate it but I'll take over now. Okay?"

I nodded and snuggled into the seat again. "Alright. Wake me when you need me." I mumbled.

"Will do, sweetheart." He said sweetly and turned on some quiet music before driving.

I woke up and it was day time. I was laid with my top half on the center console with one hand over on his leg, holding one of his hands; like we did in purgatory. I took in a deep breath and sat up.

He let go of my hand and glanced my way to smile before looking back to the road. "Hey, sleeping beauty is awake. How you doing?"

"I'm alright. I guess I've been out for a while, huh?"
He chuckled, "About seven hours, yeah. "
"Well damn. Where are we?"
He sighed, "About to our destination. I got a line on Sammy finally. So we're on the road to Bobby's cabin still. That's the best place to have him meet us."
I nodded, "Alright. Sounds great. How far out are we?"
"Ehh, kind of close. But hey, are you ready to stop and get something to eat? Take a break from being in the car?"
I nodded and that made him chuckle.
"Okay. Food is up right after we get a place to stay that has a shower and a washer."

He found a motel and we got a room for a night. I peeled off my clothes and got in the shower. As much as I wanted to shower for an hour, I got done quickly so Dean could too.

Once he was in the shower I made sure my towel was secured around me and grabbed our bag of dirty clothes.
"I'll be right back, Dee. I'm going to toss our clothes in the washer." I called through the cracked open bathroom door.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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