Bad Fight (Dean)

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I almost didn't post this one. I wrote it a long time ago now, but went back and forth on if I really liked it or not. I definitely do NOT think Dean would ever hurt a woman; not a human one anyway. So, don't get mad at me. If you don't like the idea of Dean ACCIDENTALLY hurting his girlfriend in the heat of an argument please skip this chapter.

While having a an argument with Dean, it becomes a screaming match. You go to leave and he panics, which causes more yelling and then he accidentally hurts you while trying to make you stay. Sam has to step in to stop the fight.

Warnings: yelling, arguing, physical harm (accidental), physically restraining someone, language, implied shower sex.

Written from the point of view of Alivia, as well as both the boys at parts. It's pretty long.

Alivia POV
Here we were, yet again. Dean was being way overly protective of me. He is trying to tell me I shouldn't be going along on their next hunt; 'because it's too dangerous'.

"Just stop treating me like some fragile little doll!" I was getting super annoyed.

He huffed at me, "I don't want you going. It's as simple as that. We don't want you getting hurt! Why can't you just accept that I care about you enough to worry?!"

"Because this is about you controlling me! It's about me not just being a good little soldier." I snapped.

His jaw flexed as he glared at me slightly. I knew that struck a nerve, that's what I wanted to do; hit him where it hurt. "No. Not even close. You just don't understand! You don't understand what is out there or what could happen!"

I shot him my own glare, "I'm not stupid, Dean. If I don't know about something then you should tell me about it! Don't sideline me over it!" I screamed louder.

"No, you don't need to be a part of this!"

I got closer to him, still pissed as hell. "And why not?! You can save people, help stop evil crap, risk YOUR LIFE but I can't?" I threw my arms out as I yelled, letting them then slap down onto my thighs.

He growled in anger. "Exactly! Finally you get it! I don't want you risking your life for me."

"That isn't your choice! Do you think I want YOU risking your life? No. But I don't get a say in that. So why should you get a choice in my life?!" I got a little closer, and a lot louder.

"Because this is MY life! This is MY fight! I've been training for this since my mom died. You've been helping with research the last two years. You aren't ready to help with something this big or dangerous!"

I picked up a book as he mentioned me doing research. "And you are?! You don't know everything to stay safe either!" I threw it in his direction, missing him by a few inches on purpose.

In response he used his arm to clear the table next to us. "It's my fucking JOB, Alivia! Don't you understand that?!" He screamed hoarsely.

"Of course I do! But you don't seem to understand that I can make my own choices! You cannot control me!" I was now screaming louder than I have ever yelled at him.

"Like hell I can't! You aren't going on hunts and that's all I have to say about it! End of story!"

I ran my hands over my face and through my hair roughly in frustration. "You are such a controlling asshole! You are not some captain or commander that I have to follow! I am in control of my own life!"

"No. Not with this shit you're not. I am not going to let you!" He yelled.

I threw a few more things out of pure anger, but at the wall instead of him; some of it breaking. "You're an asshole!" I yelled.

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