Before we had a chance.

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You have a crush on Dean, and he typically flirts back. What happens when he comes home after a night out but then discovers your true feelings?

Warnings: hickeys, sadness, rejection of Dean.

I walked down the hallway, hearing Sam and Dean already in the kitchen talking. As I rounded the corner I saw Dean was still in the clothes from last night; meaning he was just coming home.

It did kind of hurt; I have a crush on him. I'm pretty sure he knows because I know that Sam knows. Dean even flirts with me once in a while, but clearly doesn't mean those comments and winks.

None the less, I put a smile on my face because it isn't like he did anything wrong. Sam returned my smile, acknowledging me first. "Morning, Y/N."

"Good morning, Sam. Hey, Dean."

The elder brother turned my way and I took notice of the three hickeys in a line that disappeared under his shirt, making me wonder how many there were. I felt a pang of jealously that someone else got to have her mouth on his skin.

"Hey, Y/n. How are you doin', princess?" He engulfed me in a big hug, clearly in a good mood from his adventure last night.

But his chest and shirt were soaked in the stench of her perfume. And it overwhelmed my nose, so I had to push him off me as I tried not to gag.

"I'm fine, Dean. I'm just grabbing a water and going to do some reading in my room." I couldn't stay in here and eat breakfast like I had planned. Not smelling her on him. Not listening to his wild night that lead to him not coming home until 7:30 in the morning.

He looked a little offended that I pushed him away, I never do that. Even Sam raised an eyebrow as he watched me move from Dean and grab a water from the fridge.

Dean's face was less full of joy and light. He cleared his throat and nodded as I shut the fridge door. "You don't want to have breakfast with us?" He asked, moving close enough I could smell her again.

I tried to hide the crinkle of my nose and suppress my gagging, but I'm sure they both noticed. "No, thanks. Not really hungry this morning." I half-lied, because the smell had taken away my appetite.

I rushed back to my room, praying neither of them followed me to try to talk. As I shut the door the wind gust made me realize the smell had rubbed off on me and was stuck in my nose. Great.

I grabbed some clothes for the day and went off to the bathroom. Maybe a hot bath while I read would calm my stupid emotions. I hate getting upset. Especially when I know it isn't fair to Dean to even be upset about it.

As I sank into the bubble bath my entire body melted into the hot water, and the smell of lavender erased the cheap perfume. Once I was settled I grabbed my book and started reading.

About ten minutes later Dean barged in. "Dean! What the hell!?"

He sighed and came close enough to sit on the steps of the tub. I made sure I was covered by the bubbles. "I'm sorry. For whatever I did or said that made you mad at me. I figured, in here you can't run away from me."

"Dean, I'm naked here. Get out."

He rolled his eyes, "Like you need to be insecure, princess. Now come on, level with me... What's wrong?"

I huffed, "Well, nothing until you interrupted my peaceful reading time." I again partly lied. I really was fine again until he burst in here like an idiot demanding answers.

"You wouldn't hardly look at me when I got home, when you're usually happy to see me. You pushed me away when I hugged you, you wouldn't have breakfast with us and talk. Then you came in here to take a bath at 8 in the morning. Something is wrong." He said firmly.

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