Team Free Will rescues (Dean)

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Demons take and hold Dean hostage. They try demanding Jack, so Sam contacts you for some help to go get Dean back safely. (Yes, I got the inspiration for this from a Disney Channel movie, don't judge.)

Warnings: language, beaten-Dean, demon deaths.

Written from the point of view of Alivia/Liv, and partly Dean.

Dean Winchester was my boyfriend at one time. We are both hunters, and it worked really well. But a few months back I just couldn't take it anymore, not after things exploded with Jack coming along.

I love Jack, I really do. But I couldn't handle exactly all that came with him being born. I am terrified of Lucifer, and Dean was determined to fight him. So I left, breaking up with him in the process.

I was driving along the highway toward a case when my phone rang. I was surprised when I looked and saw it was Sam Winchester, Dean's younger brother. "Hey, Sam. What's up?"

"Uh, it's about Dean, Liv. He's gone. And I think I need your help."

"Where?" I asked quickly.

Dean and I have a complicated relationship. Sure we broke up, but it wasn't because we didn't love each other. It wasn't about us. And even if it had been... when a hunter calls and needs your help, you drop everything and do what you can to help. And for either of the Winchester's I'd do everything in my power to save them.

The next day I was with Sam, Jody, Jack, Donna, Claire, Cass, Rowena, Charlie, and Mary. We were the rescue party, but more like an army ready for war. "I'm marching right in there, and handling this." I said firmly.

They all nodded but looked a little worried. Sam stepped to me, his hands held up softly. "Liv, I know you think it's just demons..."

"I don't give a shit who it is! It's Dean in there. And he would never leave one of us in there alone. He'd come after each and every one of us, without a second thought. I'm going; with or without all of you." I said, grabbing a second angel blade as well as a second clip of devil's trap bullets.

Claire moved first, "I'm coming too."

"Me too." Donna said.

"We all are." Mary said, they all grabbed the same things I did.

"Jack, you can't go. We can't have you in there that close to them." I said softly when he stood with us.

He shook his head at me with that sweet and innocent face. "This is about me. They took him because of me. I should just go and take care of it." He offered. He really is a true Winchester at heart.

"We can't risk you using your powers. You don't really have control yet. And we are not going to hand you over to them. You coming is exactly what they want." I said, and Cass was quick to agree with me.

Jody stepped forward, "So, what do we do?"

I turned and looked to Rowena, "Could you make a fake Jack? Even just long enough to get Dean out of their hold?" I asked her hopefully.

She nodded with a smirk. "Aye, dearie. I certainly could, I just need to brew up the right spell."

We got everything set, and moved to the building. They were holding Dean and waiting for us in an abandoned warehouse.

I walked in, with everyone behind me. They had Dean tied to a chair, he was beaten and barely conscious. They also had a knife to his throat. I felt my blood boil instantly.

 I felt my blood boil instantly

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