Truth Spell (Dean)

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While working a case and finding the witch, she decides to cast a spell on you; making you tell the truth.

Warnings: language, witches, spells. Cheesy. 

Written from your point of view.

This case was screaming witch. We just needed to find the hex bag to confirm it. Sam looked n the cupboards above, and I searched the lower ones.

Sure enough, I found it below the sink.

Sam sighed, "Alright, so it's definitely a witch.... now to find out who she is."

We drove back to the motel. Dean had found an old western movie on TV, so he was on the couch watching it. I walked over and high-fived him as I plopped down next to him.

"Hey. So?" He asked, looking at me and Sam.

I pulled the hex bag out of my pocket, making him groan. Witches are one of his least favorites.

"Yeah, so now we need to start tracking her down." Sam said as he sat down at the table with his laptop.

Dean shut off the TV and turned to look at Sam. "How do you plan to do that? You find something on her?"

I shook my head, "No, but you know there are always signs some where, you just have to dig around enough."

He nodded. "Let's look in that creepy ass thing."

He and I dumped the hex bag out. It was pretty simple magic, but powerful nonetheless.

Sam searched through the news, looking for anything else strange. Then we looked into the housing history, for anyone who recently moved here, or had a bad history.

After night fall we found a promising lead, and decided to go look for ourselves. We grabbed the witch bullets and loaded up in the car.

Once we were there, Sam crept up to the house and looked in the windows. He quickly came back, nodding, "She's definitely our girl."

Dean and I got out of the car too. We all cocked our guns.

We got to the house, then Dean picked the lock and we all stormed in silently but quickly.

Her voice yelled something, and our guns went flying. I couldn't move my feet. "What the hell?" I asked, looking to Dean - he was struggling to move, then I saw so was Sam.

"You really thought I wouldn't keep track of Team Winchester?" She asked, coming into view.

I glared at her, but Dean was the first to speak. "I'm pretty flattered you care so much. What do ya say you let me out of this and we have a fair fight?"

She laughed. "As if.... Ooooo, the female of the team. So feisty." She came closer to me and touched my hair.

I pulled away as best as I could. "Don't touch me."

She whispered something in my ear and I felt her inside my head. "Stop!" I yelled, trying to fight it.

She then smirked, "It seems you have quite the secret, dear."

"Shut up!" I screamed. I had a feeling I knew what she saw.

"Now, now... be nice." She said laughing.

"Don't you hurt her!" Sam yelled.

"You touch her and I will kill you." Dean promised.

"I don't want to hurt the girl. I have something better!" She smirked, then grabbed something out of a cabinet behind her.

I was getting scared. My eyes met Sam's, he gave me a small smile. "It's alright." He was trying to grab a hex bag, probably the one keeping us in place.

I took a deep breath to calm down and nodded back at him, finding all the courage I could.

She blew something in my face and spoke a strange spell. I coughed as the powder invaded my senses. "How about a little bit of truth, dear?"

I locked my mouth shut.

"Tell us all how you really feel about the lovely, handsome, Winchester best friend of yours."

Both Sam and Dean knew she was talking about Dean.

I fought the urge to speak, keeping my mouth closed tightly. It hurt to fight it but I didn't want this to come out. They both looked at me. Tears were in my eyes.

"What is she talking about?" Dean asked me, sounding worried.

I shook my head as I fought the spell, which caused the pain to intensify.

"The more you fight it, the more it will hurt. Just be honest, dear."

I looked at Dean apologetically, I was losing this fight and he could read my face. "It's alright, sweetheart. Just say it." He assured me, probably thinking it was bad.

"This will only end in one way, with you telling the truth. Save yourself the pain of fighting it, and say it."

"I....I..." My mouth opened and spoke for me. Dean looked terrified of what I was going to say. "I love him."

I looked away when Dean's eyes went wide in shock.

"There it is!" She laughed proudly, clapping her hands a couple times. I wanted to cry.

Sam got the hex bag and set it on fire, setting us free. She tried to run, so I tackled her as the boys ran for their guns. I threw a few punches into her face, just screaming in anger.

"Move!" Dean yelled, and I rolled off of her. He fired three shots - taking her out.

Weird silence filled the air as everything settled. Sam cleared his throat and came over to offer me his hand. "Let's go before those shots being the police."

I nodded as he helped me to my feet. I couldn't look at Dean after my forced confession.

Sam offered to go get us breakfast after we had packed up.

I felt Dean's eyes on me. Now was our time to address what I said a couple hours ago. My secret that I have kept to myself for nearly two years now, was out in the open. I haven't even told Sam, in fear of ruining things. Dean is my best friend in the world, and now he knows how I feel.

"Would you just look at me, please?" He asked me softly.

I sighed before finally meeting his eyes. He didn't look angry, or weirded out. "I'm sorry, Dean."

He half-smiled. "Don't be sorry, sweetheart. I'm glad that I know. I wish you had told me. Why did you fight so hard not to say it?"

I played with the ends of my hair nervously. "I didn't want to screw this up."

He reached over to stop my fidgeting hands. I looked up with tears in my eyes. "I had no idea you felt that way. I wish I knew. I could've told you sooner that I love you too."

More tears filled my eyes, pushing some down my cheeks. "Wait... what?"

He smiled, "I realized pretty quickly I felt certain ways about you. Sam and I talked about it a few times, but we couldn't tell how you felt."

I laughed, "I guess we're both good at hiding feelings." I joked.

He smiled. "We do have a lot in common. That's just one of them I guess."

I glanced at his lips, and he caught on. He leaned in slowly, so I copied him. Then our lips met, and it got heated quickly. He walked us to the couch and I was on his lap. His hands cautiously roamed up my thighs and over my lower back.

I pulled away and put my forehead on his, "Whoa. Okay, we uh, should stop before Sam gets back."

He chuckled, "You're right. It might traumatize him. Tonight? You, me, some alone time?"

I nodded and kissed his lips slowly, "Deal."

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