Just a sad song

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You can sing and play the piano. It was something you and Dean bonded over while you were together. He finds you singing in a bar a few months after your break up, and watches on sadly as you get emotional.

Warning: break-up sadness, implied sex.

Something Dean and I bonded over was music. He appreciates music, well mostly old music but I have gotten him to open his mind a little.

I love to play piano and sing and he loves to listen to me. I'm not amazing but I can hold my own. He has been in my life for a few years; we were just friends for a while though.

Until one night when I got drunk and told him I thought he was hot then kissed him. The next day he brought it up, kissed me, and told me he liked me.

But, three years later we broke up.

It's been hard. I left his life behind. Hunting without him just doesn't feel right. If something were to happen near me I might check it out and work the job but I don't go out looking anymore. Plus that would increase the odds that I run into him.

We haven't spoken at all since we broke up, and I have missed him. I have missed Sam too, we didn't always see eye to eye but he was like my brother. Then Cass. Oh Castiel, how I miss that awkward angel.

I got a job at a bar where I perform four nights a week, and run their karaoke nights. It pays pretty decent. I also work at a local diner part time. I like to stay busy.

Tonight is one of my performance nights. I'll be working with a guy, he goes first, then we sing together, and then I finish out the night. I actually felt like putting in some effort in my appearance tonight. That is usually once maybe twice a week. The last five months I have been a hot mess.

 The last five months I have been a hot mess

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I actually liked how I looked tonight. Laid back but cute.

I walked into work and checked in with the owner. She's super nice, n her fifties, pretty, and a great boss. "Hey, Cathy." I smiled at her.

She smiled and looked around bar. "Hey, Addie. Man we're getting full already tonight. I love when you two draw a crowd."

I giggled, "I see all of our regulars out there, and a few new faces. Should be a good night."

Back in the 'dressing room' that is a storage room turned into a warm-up room I found Jake. I hugged him from behind, over his shoulders. "Hey, Jake. You ready to get this night going?"

He chuckled and patted my arm. "Yeah, sounds like it's getting loaded out there." I nodded and moved to sit next to him. "Yeah, it's getting full. You're on in ten."

We ran through one of our songs before he had to go off onto stage with his guitar. I warmed up a little more then went and got a water and sat next to the stage to watch. He's an amazing singer, and puts on a great show. It probably wouldn't be long before the right person came along and scooped him up to a label.

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