Lies (Dean)

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After Sam goes into the cage, you and Dean split up. Eventually you end up reuniting, but you have no idea he's with Lisa when you find the boys again. After a while you end up with Dean - but run into Lisa

Warnings: lying, language, mentions of sex but not in a smut way.

When Sam sacrificed himself to put Lucifer back in his cage, something inside Dean understandably snapped and died. It made a lot of sense. His brother was his best friend, and he has always felt responsible for him.

But, his behavior got so God awful right after Sam was gone that we broke up after just four days because I couldn't take it. He was lashing out and taking it out on me and I didn't know what else to do.

I have kept hunting; doing my best to take out some evil bastards while trying to let go of my feelings for Dean. I have not heard from him, tried to contact him or even heard any stories about him since the day I walked away.

Yesterday I found a possible Djinn case; four missing people in two months, with two other dead bodies of previously missing people. So, I went to the small town to check it out.

I posed as a newspaper column writer so I could get information from people related to the case; such as the police or medical staff at the hospital.

When I went to the police station and tried to get answers from them I was told, "The FBI are here, you should get your formal statement from them." Well of course I would be staying away from the FBI.

As I left the police station without many answers, I had to do a double take. Standing there, also staring back at me, was Sam. The same Sam who was supposed to be in the cage with Michael, Lucifer and Adam for the rest of eternity.

"Alivia?" He asked.

My eyes were wide. He called me by my full name. Was it really him? Or was it actually Lucifer? He got closer with his hands up subtly. "It's really me, promise."

I smiled, "Sam?" I got happy and hugged him. He paused for a second before hugging me back, which was a little odd.

"How?" I whispered as we pulled apart.

He shrugged, "We aren't sure exactly. Crowley, maybe."

I nodded because that seemed like the only possible way to be honest. "So, you heard about the missing people and dead bodies, I'm guessing." I said, gesturing to his FBI suit.

He nodded. He must've been the FBI I was told was here. "Yeah, Dean's checking in at the hospital. He would probably be happy to see you, you know."

I scoffed, but my heart ached to see Dean again. I have yet to out run my feelings for the older Winchester brother. "I'm not so sure that's true."

He nodded. "He told me when I found him that he missed you after he told me what happened when I left."

"Oh, wow. Well, maybe we could all work on this together? For old time's sake?"

"Yeah, sure." He agreed.

He told me where they were staying; the same motel I had checked into just two hours ago. I gave him my room number and said if Dean was okay with working together they could just come to my room to get me.

I was eating my dinner and doing some research when there was a knock on my door. I got up quickly and braced myself to see my ex-boyfriend.

"Hey, Sam. Hi, Dean." I greeted them as I moved to let them come in.

"Hi, Alivia." Man, Sam calling me by my full name was so strange.

"Hey, Liv. It's uh, nice to see you again." Dean said casually.

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