Done with you (Part Two)

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Part two: How are things now that Dean has told you he's done with you? How will it go when he starts to believe when his girlfriend is feeding him about you?

Warnings: Language, fighting, sadness, sexual situation

The next couple days were awkward. I left on a hunt with the boys last night, though. Today we found evidence of a vamp nest being the problem.

Dean hasn't spoken to me, only sent a few glares my way. I sat next to Sam as we looked for possible locations. "Well, there's a farm house here..." I pointed to the screen, "It's been abandoned for ten years according to the history."

Sam nodded, "It's worth checking out. Dean?"

"Yeah, Sam. Go ahead."

"All of us." Sam said firmly.

Dean nodded, "Alright, I'm in."

We all grabbed machetes and got in the car in silence. I hated this. It was so awkward because of what she said. This is exactly what she wanted - to get in between us and ruin it. I mean if he can't even look at me then how can we keep working together?

"Dean!" I yelled, lunging for the vamp as it went for him.

It turned, dodged my knife and threw me down. I kicked at it from the ground. Then Sam beheaded it for me.

One more went down from Dean's blade, and it got quiet for a minute.

"Were you trying to get yourself killed? Or was it some heroic attempt to be the one to save me and make a move?" Dean snarled at me as Sam helped me to my feet.

"WHAT?! Are you stupid?!" I yelled back.

"You made a stupid move to save me, for what? God, Kendall was right about you."

"Dean." Sam warned.

I laughed, "You would think that! God, I saved your ass because we're on the same team! But if you want to believe her then fine. Screw this! I'm done playing nice." I yelled.

"You haven't been since you met her!"

"That isn't true! Dean, I never said anything to her! She is the one who came into my room when you left. She told me to get out." I finally admitted.

"Don't turn this on her!" He defended loudly.

But I kept going. "She called me a whore. Said if I made a move on you she would, and I quote, 'beat the shit out of' me. It wasn't me, it was her!" I was getting emotional.

Sam looked at me sadly. "Livy, is that true?"

"Of course not! Kendall wouldn't lie and say it was Liv." Dean commented.

"I promise, I'm telling the truth. If you want to believe her, then I'm done trying to pretend we can still be friends."

"Yup! Just like you! Walk away when things get the slightest bit hard for you!"

"Dean! Come on..." Sam tried to intervene.

"It's fine, Sam. He is never going to believe me anyway. So, fine. I'll get out of the bunker."

I stormed out and heard Sam start yelling at Dean. "Are you serious, Dean? You're going to believe a girl you've known not even three months over Alivia who you've known like seven years?!"

"Yeah, and she won't let me be happy with someone else. Some friend."

I prayed, Cass, can you hear me? I need to get out of here. Please. Then there was a gush of wind, "Alivia?"

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