Your Old T-Shirt

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Dean gives you a t-shirt one day, one of his because you need one. It ends up being of comfort to you, even being too big for you, and old/faded now. He likes to tease you about it

Written from the point of view Natalie. It's mostly fluffy. No smut or sex stuff.

One night after we got caught in a bad vamp hunt, we ended up covered in blood and mud. I didn't have any clean clothes to sleep in. I wrapped a towel tight around me and gathered my dirty clothes to wash them in the motel washer.

"Hey, Nat, here.... toss this on. It beats wearing a towel all night." Dean said throwing an old band shirt at me. Then he grabbed my bag of clothes. "I'll go get these started for you." He said sweetly.

"Thanks, Dean." I called after him as he walked off. I pulled on my last pair of underwear and the Metallica shirt. It was worn in, but really soft and smelled like Dean.

Sam laughed across the room, making me realize I was smiling.

I spun around to look at him, "What?"

"You are so into him." He stated teasingly.

I tried to protest, "What? Me? No way." But the heat that took over my face gave away my real feelings.

"It's adorable, Natalie. You should tell him."

"Shh. Just drop it, okay? We're friends."

He gave me that 'yeah right' face he's so good at, but he nodded and went to shower.

Truth be told, I do have slight feelings toward the older brother. But, we are just friends. He seems to think of me as a sister or something. And that's fine. He's an amazing friend and I'm happy with how things are.

I grabbed a beer just as Dean came back. I smiled at him, "Want one?"

He nodded at me, "Sure, thanks."

When he brought my clothes back a while later I went to go change so I could give him his shirt back, but he stopped me. "No, keep it, Nat. It looks nice on you and.... just keep it, okay?" He said sweetly but there was something else.

I paused but smiled, "Alright. Thanks, Dean."

That was three years ago. I still wear that shirt all the time. It reminds me of Dean. I love it especially when they've been gone for a while. It comforts me when I'm sad.

Dean and I argued a bit ago about something stupid, but he raised his voice. That always gets to me. After a shower I pulled on the shirt that now has a hole along the neck seam, as well as one along the hem. I put on a pair of leggings and went to get a snack.

As I cut up a couple apples Dean walked in with a small laugh. "Are you ever going to throw that old thing away? It's falling to pieces, Natalie."

"It's fine." I said sharply. 

"You could just get a new one." He added, opening a beer.

I sighed, putting my apple slices on a plate. I put the knife in the sink, picking up my snack. "I don't WANT a new one, Dean. But thanks for the reminder." 

I walked away but he followed me to the library. "Why not, Nat?"

I rolled my eyes as I sat in a chair. "This one is soft, and broken in. It's comfortable. Why does it bother you?" I challenged.

He sat next to me and laughed, "I'm just curious why you won't throw it out. It's falling apart."

"I just told you, it's comfy, and soft. Just ignore it if it bothers you."

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