Jo joins Training

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Jo joins you guys on a training session; you don't like her because of her being all over your boyfriend, Dean. You can tell she's trying to be like you, and you end up hand-to-hand sparring with her.

Warning: language, fighting, anger,daddy/dom kink

(I feel like I'm the only person who just really does not like Jo. It always felt too forced and her crush on Dean was so cliche.)

When we stopped at Ellen's bar on the way back from a hunt Dean mentioned we were on our way to do some training. I sighed as soon as Jo got excited. "Can I come?!" Dean raised his eyebrows, I knew that look. He was gauging if Ellen was okay with it, because he was going to say yes. Sam glanced my way knowing that I don't care for Jo. She's stuck up Dean's ass even though we're together, and it makes me crazy. Plus, she just isn't as skilled as she thinks she is.

"If your mom is okay with it, sure." Dean smiled sweetly at her. "Mom, come on. It's just training. I can show them how good I am. Then I can prove I'm ready to hunt with them!" I scoffed to myself. That is never going to happen if I can help it. Ellen sighed, "Fine. Since it's only practice, but be back here as soon as you're done." I groaned internally, but it was probably also written all over my face because Sam gave me that 'Don't be mean' face he often has to give me around her. So I finished my drink quietly. "Awesome. Can't wait to see what you've got kid." Dean said, a little too friendly for my liking. So I walked away from him. "I'll be in the car."

I sat up front, Sam and I typically alternate. I would have rather sat in the back away from Dean but I did not want to sit in the back with Jo, or worse have her sit up front with Dean.

Ten minutes later they all came walking out, Jo was grinning like a little kid. Oh God, kill me now. Sam got in the back with Jo and gave me a small smile. He knew I was irritated and both reasons why. Dean climbed in the drivers seat and started up the car.

About five minutes into the drive he reached over for my hand, but I pulled it away roughly. He sighed and rested it on my thigh, "Baby, behave." He mumbled so only I heard him. I rolled my eyes, not in the mood for our little kinky game."I'll remember this attitude of yours tonight, princess." That was loud about that I saw Sam and Jo both make faces; Sam was more of 'ugh again?' and Jo's was more like she was grossed out. "Whatever." I sassed back to him, so he tightened his grip on my thigh.

When we got there I got right out of the car, but Dean followed me around the corner. He was in the mood to be Mr. Dominant, so he grabbed me and pushed me against the wall, holding me tightly. "Hey, drop the sass. Or you know what's coming your way tonight, baby." If I wasn't so annoyed I would've been very turned on. He smirked, reading my mixed emotions. "That's what I thought. Now come on, be a good girl. Let's go start shooting. Behave." I nodded, not willing to give in with words. He leaned down and kissed me.

We all lined up and took aim. I hit all my targets. Dean smacked my ass and smirked, "That's my girl. I swear you could out shoot me." I giggled. I saw Jo glare my way then aim at a target. She hit two out of four times. I couldn't help but laugh a little at her attempt. She was clearly trying to compete with me. It was kind of flattering. She wants to be me so damn bad, especially because I have Dean. Honestly though, she would probably be a better shot if she stopped trying so hard and relaxed.

So I honestly tried to help her, despite my feelings. I walked over to her, "Jo, just relax. If you're tense you aren't going to be as accurate. If you relax your body..." "Shut up. I don't need your stupid help." She grumbled at me and took a few more shots, still barely hitting half.

I started working on throwing knives as Sam and Dean practiced hand-to-hand stuff. Jo was just watching them in awe. I shook my head at how much she was obviously checking out Dean. When they were done she went over to him. "I want to show you what I can do." He chuckled and shook his head, "Neither Sam nor I are going to hit you, Jo." "Oh come on! It'll help me show you that I can do this. I'm ready." She begged him.

"I'll do it." I volunteered. She suddenly looked a little less sure about it, but she nodded when Dean did. Typical.

He walked over to me, and Sam walked over to her; probably to give her a few pointers. Dean gave me a stern look. "Go easy on her, baby. She isn't used to this, and I'm not sure she realizes how often you take down me and Sam; or shit bigger than us." I smirked and shrugged, "Fine. I'll go a little soft on her."

We both walked into the area we designated for sparring. She smiled at me as she flipped her ponytail back and put her hands up. I put my hands up too, "Ladies first." I told her, letting her be the one to throw the first punch. It would help me gauge how hard she hits. She stepped forward then threw a punch dead center. I dodged it to the left easily. Then I punched her in the stomach only about half-force as she moved with the force of her missed connection. She grunted, so I stepped back and smirked at her. She stood up straight and tried to kick me. I blocked it and hit her in the side.

She was trying hard, and I felt bad. Dean gave me a look, so I let her land a couple hits. She got cocky. The shit eating grin on her face after the third hit I let her land had me wanting to beat her face in. I was getting really annoyed. "You aren't as tough as you think you are, bitch." She said softly, and I'm pretty sure the boys didn't hear her.

But that did it for me. I was done playing nice. I hit her square in the face, kicked her knee sideways, then hit her in the side again but this time as hard as I could. She groaned and stumbled. I didn't let up, I advanced again. I kicked her side and she dropped to her knee with a grunt. I grinned to myself and hit her head and face a few times. She hit me a couple times, but I definitely had the upper hand. I landed over a dozen hits before I kicked out her other leg and she dropped totally to the ground, but still tried to put up a fight. I knelt so I was straddling her waist, pinning her down as I hit her.

"Enough! Alivia! Stop!" Dean was yelling when his arms wrapped around me and pulled me off. I stopped throwing hits and kicks. When he put me on my feet I walked a few feet away. Sam knelt next to her. "Jo, you alright?" She looked embarrassed. Her face was already swelling and her nose and lip were bleeding. "I'm fine." I chuckled to myself and just looked at her.

Dean stood in front of me, "Liv, what the hell was that? You said you'd go easy on her." "She started it. She was talking shit." "Would it kill you to help her build up some confidence?" He whispered in a serious tone. I looked over as Sam was helping her to her feet. "It's not my job to baby her!" He gave me another stern face. So I rolled my eyes, "You know what, fine. Go ahead and baby her, Dean. That'll help the little princess be ready for monsters. I'm done for today." And I walked off. "Alivia, hey, stop. Don't be so dramatic." He called after me.

I went inside and grabbed a beer before sitting down with a book I've been wanting to read. Five minutes later Sam came in. "Liv, what the hell got into you?" I sighed, "You know how I already feel about her. And she was talking shit when I was going easy on her. She called me a bitch. So I handled it. I showed her who was the weak little bitch." I was a little more upset than I realized. "Liv, we all know you can kick her ass. Did you have to prove it so violently?" "Yeah, actually, I think I did. So, let me guess... now Dean is babying her and you're on ice-pack duty?" He chuckled, "Pretty much."

After an awkward dinner Sam offered to take Jo home. Dean walked into the living room and sat with me. "Baby, you need to keep your emotions in check with her." "Why do you care? You want her or something? She wants to be treated like a hunter. Any other hunter who sparred with me and called me a bitch would get the same thing." He huffed and moved closer, "You know the only girl I want is you. And when did she call you a bitch?" I rolled my eyes, "When I was taking your advice and letting her get a few hits in." "What's the rule about rolling your eyes at me, princess?" I bit my lip. God I can't fight it, but I tried.

"Well, don't make me be nice to her anymore. You know she needs to be ready for that shit if she really wants to try and hunt, monsters don't go easy on you." He leaned over closer, with a stern look on his face."Oh, and now swearing? You think you're big?" I gulped, "Dean, come on. I'm being serious here." He smirked, his pupils were blown out with lust. "So is Daddy, princess."

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