Shadow (Dean)

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You have feelings for Dean, and think he may feel the same because of all the flirting and stolen glances. You decide to tell him one night by making him his favorite foods, but it doesn't go well.

Written from your point of view, but also partly Sam's.

Triggers: none?

Sam is my best friend in the world. We are so similar, and the differences we do have compliment each other. We have been mistaken for a couple numerous times. He's great and any girl would be lucky, don't get me wrong, but he isn't the brother I'm attracted to in that way. Sam knows all about my crush on Dean; after all he knows me all too well and figured it out as soon as the crush started.

It has gotten to the point of a major crush on Dean, and I want to tell him. I want to tell him that I mean those flirty comments and jokes.

To try to set the scene I made some of his favorite foods, got his favorite beer, made him a pie, and even got Sammy out of the house for a couple hours so we could be alone.

I am so nervous, because I cannot tell if he means his flirty comments or if it's just that much of his personality. Sam told me the best way to find out is to just lay it out on the table and see what Dean says.

"Dinner's ready, Dean." I said with a smile, standing in the doorway to the library.

He looked up and returned my smile before shutting his laptop. "Great, it smells damn good."

When we got to the kitchen he looked at the food. "Burgers, fries, bacon, and alcohol? With pie for dessert? You're the best!"

I giggled awkwardly. "I just wanted to do something nice for you." I mumbled and moved to get drinks.

He nodded, "No Sammy?" He noticed there were only two burgers and two plates.

I shook my head and shrugged, "He uh, went to the book store and said not to worry about him. You want a beer?" I changed the subject subtly.

"Yeah, beer sounds great, thanks." I grabbed us both a beer and put them at the table.

He had his plate ready and sat down at one of the beers. I got my plate done and sat across from him as he started to eat.

We made some small talk about the lore he was reading up on, and the issue they were having with Crowley; usual stuff. He was still eating when I got done.

I bit my lip nervously and decided it was time to go for it. "So, how's your dinner?" I asked softly.

He smiled at me and then took the last bite of his burger. "It's great, sweetheart. Just like what Lisa always used to make for me. Damn near just as good too."

My heart dropped to my stomach. Tears threatened to form. I cleared my throat trying to distract my emotions before he had time to notice.

I know it was meant as a compliment but that was just about worst case scenario.

"I'm uh... actually pretty tired all of a sudden. I'm going to head off to bed." I mumbled and took off for my room.

He just compared me to the great love of his life, and I was on the short end of the stick. Just freaking great. There's no way I can tell him now. I shut my door a little harder than I meant to, so I locked it to keep him from coming in and seeing the now falling tears.

I heard him walk up to the door quickly before trying the doorknob. "Hey, is everything alright?" He sounded concerned.

"It's all fine. Goodnight." I said quickly, fighting the sob stuck in my throat.

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