Dean and Bobby

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Bobby became like your father after your family died. You go visit him after it's been a while of just phone check-ins. There you meet Sam and Dean, but Bobby tries to warn you to stay away from Dean.

Y/n = Your name (written from your point of view)

Bobby Singer is the last man on Earth most people would think of as father material; pretty much everyone but me and the infamous Winchester boys he tells me about. I see Bobby on rare occasions these days; though we talk on the phone at least once a week.

I haven't seen him in seven months, but I just worked a job three hours from him. So I decided to go pay him a surprise visit.

When I pulled up to the house he was outside working on a car. He looked surprised but he was smiling as I climbed out of my car. "Hey there, Bobby." I returned his smile and moved to hug him.

His arms happily wrapped around me, patting my back. "Long time no see, kid. What brings you here?"

I shrugged when he pulled back, "I was close by working a silly old ghost case. And I figured I haven't seen you in a while so why not pop in and surprise you."

After we caught up, and we were sitting inside there was a car pulling in the driveway. He sighed as if he knew who it was. He placed his beer down on the table and got up to go walk to the door.

I got up too, curious who would be stopping by. Then it dawned on me, it was probably those Winchester boys he has told me a lot about.

They all walked in after a few hushed whispering minutes. One of the boys was a little taller, and the other one... well he made me pause as my eyes locked with his gorgeous green ones.

"Dean, Sam... this here is Y/n. Y/n, this is Sam and Dean Winchester."

Sam cleared his throat making me take my eyes from Dean's. "It's nice to finally meet you, Y/n. Bobby has told us a lot about you."

I smiled, feeling Dean still watching me. "He's told me a lot about you two as well. I'm glad to finally meet you boys too." I turned to smile at Dean. He had this sexy smirk on his face, then he licked his lower lip as his eyes quickly glanced all over me.

After they told Bobby what they needed, we all started drinking. Sam sat with Bobby trying to do some research.

Dean leaned against the kitchen counter and drank some more whiskey. I stood in front of him, close enough to show interest but not too close to come across as desperate.

He smirked at me. "So, the famous 'like a daughter' Bobby tells us about all the time. I have to say.." His eyes raked over me again with no shame, "... you are a lot prettier than I had imagined you as."

I blushed, which his smirk told me was his goal; like he was testing the waters with me. "Well, I am flattered. I think you're rather good looking yourself. Though I sort of pictured you as good looking after all I've heard from Bobby and the other hunters."

I got bold and took his cup of whiskey, making his mouth hang open a little. But I watched his lips twitch into a slight smirk as he watched me raise it to my mouth and take a drink. "Y/n... I have all these thoughts running though my head right now. Am I crazy, or do you think them too?"

I bit my lip, the alcohol was giving me confidence. "Oh, I have a thought or two going on in my head."

He pursed his lips and stood up straight so we were within a foot of one another, "Oh, well darlin' I think I'd like to hear just what you are thinking."

"Maybe I don't want to say... maybe I want to show you." His face fell at first, then I watched something spark in his eyes.

Bobby cleared his throat as he walked in. "I need to get a beer."

Dean coughed awkwardly. "I'll go see what Sam found."

I nodded and gave him back his cup.

"Y/n, you shouldn't look at him like that." Bobby whispered harshly.

I raised an eyebrow. "I'm a grown up, Bobby. If I want to flirt with the cute man, then I'm going to flirt with him." I defended myself.

"You don't understand. I'm just trying to look out for you. I love that boy like he's my own son, but he is reckless. He's heartbreak and death in an old hand-me-down car."

"I hear you, Bobby." I said, but made the decision to ignore his advice. I wouldn't fight with him, but I was an adult.

So that night, once Bobby went up to bed, and Sam was passed out, I knew Dean was alone outside doing some up-keep on his car. I tip-toed outside carrying a bottle of whiskey.

He heard me coming, and leaned against the fender of his gorgeous old car.

"She's gorgeous." I said admiring the black Impala he was working on.

He wiped his hands on a rag and smirked at me, "Well it takes a gorgeous girl to know one." Smooth yet cringey.

I offered him the bottle. He chuckled, "Thanks, baby."

I blushed slightly, but smiled. "No problem. Do you need any help with your car?"

He laughed before putting the bottle to his lips for a few seconds. "Thanks for the offer, but I'm good. Nobody touches her but me."

I took the bottle back and downed a little bit myself. He watched, and licked his lower lip. God that's hot.

"So, what brought you out here to me? I figured Bobby had laid down the law and told you to stay away from me."

I laughed and stepped closer to him. His hand moved, as if it was an instinct, and it rested on my side. "He tried... but I'm a big girl. Besides, I kind of like bad boys with just as many daddy issues as me."

He chuckled, "Oh, baby, you have no idea the amount of issues I have." He took the bottle back and drank more.

"Same goes for you about me." I challenged.

He pulled me a little closer, "I couldn't take advantage of that, baby."

"It's not taking advantage if it's what I want."

I bit my lip again, and he put the bottle down on the roof of the car. His now free hand went up to hold me cheek. "Are you sure?"

"Just shut up and kiss me, handsome." I whispered, my lips lightly brushing his already.

Within a second of my words leaving my lips his lips brushed against mine cautiously. Then when I leaned into it he pulled me tighter.

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