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This isn't a chapter but I wanted to put in my SasuNaru headcanons, as the title says. Enjoy, I guess.
(if this is posted then it's probably because I didn't have a chapter and need more time lol.)

-Sasuke has internalized homophobia at first (but Naruto helps with that)

-'Their song' would be Snowman by Sia and Sasuke would sing it quietly to Naruto while they slow dance.

-Naruto is clingy af

-Both get jealous pretty easily which often causes problems in their relationship (though they usually get over it pretty quickly)

-Both are extremely protective over each other even in situtaions that it's not necessary

-Sasuke's the cook (Practically makes gourmet meals in Naruto's eyes)

-They are ALWAYS making everything a competition, whether it's who can get ready the fastest, who is the better kisser, or who is the top/bottom (they usually end up being switches)

-Naruto says 'I love you' every night just to make sure Sasuke knows he isn't ever going to fall out of love

-Naruto initiated the first kiss

-At first, Sasuke would push Naruto away when they got too close

-Sasuke isn't as horny or hot as he is in the fanfics(quite the opposite actually)

-Naruto always makes fun of Sasuke when he wakes up with bedhead (like he gets really bad bedhead)

-Both always forget their anniversary, Sakura usually has to remind them


-Naruto and Sakura always gossip to each other about the relationship. Or Naruto will go to Sakura to complain about Sasuke when he's annoyed

-Sasuke never wants to but Naruto always forces them to decorate for the holidays

-Sasuke only uses pet names when he's angry with Naruto

-Naruto has horrible water pressure so whenever he goes to Sasuke's, whether it's for a few hours or he's sleeping over, he'll always use the shower.

-When Naruto's angry, he's the type of person who will grab some food and lock the bedroom door. He'll even force Sasuke to sleep in a different room if it gets that bad, he doesn't care.

-They are extremely petty when it comes to each other

-Sasuke loves Naruto's "Pure blue eyes"

-Naruto likes to force Sakura to put Sasuke's hair into a ponytail (despite Sasuke not wanting to) just because he thinks it looks good (he would ruin it if he tried)

-Naruto knows Sasuke's ticklish spot and uses it as a threat

-Naruto only listens to 80's/90's/70's music(idk why he just gives me that vibe) and Sasuke pretends he doesn't like it but he secretly does. (Shikamaru introduced the music to Naruto)

-Sasuke loves to lay in bed with Naruto, not cuddling though, just holding one of his fingers. He finds it comforting that someone is there just enough where he could reach out more if he needed to

Ill have something to post tomorrow hopefully, not that anyone really cares do they. Hope you've enjoyed.

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