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Dear Sasuke,

 I don't know if you know this, you probably don't, but you completed my puzzle. I know it sounds weird but you were that missing piece that everyone hates because the puzzle now can't be completed. But guess what, I found it! It's you, you completed the puzzle. You were hiding in the closet the entire time. Get it?

    Anyway, to put this into simple words, as you would say "The Simple Language of Dobe", I'm in love with you. Or I like you. I want to be lovers. Or, at least I want you to know. That didn't help at all. Sakura said if I told you this then I would have "The weight of the world lifted off of my shoulders" whatever that means. I think she lied because I don't feel anything. Or maybe it's because you haven't read this yet. Well actually, by the time you get this then you probably would have read it. Or thrown it away, I don't really know. Am I rambling?

    I don't really know if you're gay, or if you even like me if you are. I don't really want to assume since Sakura smacked me for that. So I'll just say that you're a mystery, as usual. I guess that's one of the things I like about you. You're a mystery. You're also really sad though, I've seen the way you look at the world. It's like you yearn for something that isn't there anymore, or if it is then you're too far away to get it.

I also like your rare smile I can put on your face. Or the smirk you have when Sakura scolds me for something stupid I did. I also like your eyes, I really like them. They're so pretty and dark, just like you. And your hair. But I hate your hair, that hasn't changed since I started liking you, thank the gods.

    Your eyes have this luring affect that just makes me want to get lost in them, though I never do. You never let me look long enough to get lost. I don't know why. It's like you enjoy pushing everyone away. I'm so close to just losing myself in those obsidian orbs, so close to getting past those thick walls of yours. But I've yet to succeed. I promise you I will someday. I don't know how long it will take but I'm going to break those walls and kick the rubble just in spite of it. I hate those walls. How do you not get claustrophobic inside of them? You can't get out, and if you can then you just choose not to. I hate those walls more than your hair.

I also like your voice, but not when you're stressed or when you're angry. I like it when you're joking around or when you get excited over tomatoes. I like your voice when you say my name or when you call me Dobe in that playful way you do. I like your voice when you're pointing out the obvious to me. I know I yell at you and get upset but I do like it. I just don't want you to know. I guess you do now though. I liked your voice on that one mission, the others were sleeping, and you said you couldn't sleep. Your voice was deep and raspy and calming. I liked when you said you'd sit by the fire with me because I said I also couldn't sleep as well. I liked when you said the fire was pretty and would watch the embers float to the sky. I liked when you told me about the stars, how your voice entranced me with the way you told me stories about the constellations. You said some were called zodiacs. I didn't know what those were at the time but I looked them up after the mission. I found out I was a libra if that means anything. I also found out you were a Leo, but I bet you already knew that. Did you know our zodiacs are compatible?

I liked the way the fire glowed in the reflection of your eyes. It was so pretty. It was prettier than the stars that you liked to look at so much. At the time I wished you would look at me like that. Now I wished you didn't look at me once. I liked the way you looked at the stars. You were so happy when looking at the white dots in the sky. It was fascinating. I couldn't look away.

Another thing I like is those rare moments where I can read you like an open book. It's like that curtain of mystery that I said I liked is momentarily taken down and that window of opportunity is open. I never miss it. I can tell what you're thinking and what you want to say just by looking into those eyes I adore so much. I don't know if you can read me like that, but I wish it was mutual. But the thing is, I never want to have conversations like that. I heard people who describe their partners as soulmates can practically have full conversations just by looking at each other. I just want to know what you're feeling. I want you to tell me what you want to say. I want to hear your voice. I think those people are stupid if I'm being honest. A real soulmate would want to hear their partner's voice. But maybe that's just me. Not that we're soulmates or anything.

But the point of this is that I'm in love with you and I hope that was enough to prove it. I don't want this to ruin anything but if it does, it was worth it just to be able to tell you.

Naruto Uzumaki

sasunaru oneshotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora