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Naruto looked inside his frog pouch to check how much money he still had. He'd wasted around half on food, mostly ramen despite Sasuke's protests, but he could afford some flowers for the raven. He looked back up at the flower shop, cringing a little at all of the bright colors practically blinding him.

"I swear to god if Teme doesn't like these..." Naruto mumbled, walking into the store. He got a few glares when he entered but he ignored him, deciding to stay focused on his task. He wasn't doing anything wrong buying flowers.

Naruto didn't know jack shit about flowers but from all of the years, he'd lived he'd witnessed tons of couples getting each other's flowers. He picked a few different kinds of flowers, paying for them as they were arranged into a bouquet. It was handed to him, wrapped in a sheet of transparent plastic as he paid. The blonde hurried out of the shop, stopping just outside to sniff the not so carefully selected flowers.

"It doesn't smell that bad." Naruto quietly prided himself, smiling at the colorful arrangement of flowers. He was about to make his way back to Sasuke, a group of people knocked into him, making Naruto stumble back and drop the bouquet. When he got his balance back he found the flowers had been trampled on and ruined.

"Hey! Watch where you're going assholes!" Naruto yelled, eyes widening as they turned and started chasing him. "Wait, I'm sorry I didn't mean it!"


"Okay, I need you to go inside and buy a pack of chocolates," Naruto instructed, pointing at the store ahead of him and Sakura.

"Why can't you just do it yourself?" The pink-haired girl asked. She rested her hands on her hips as she looked at him condescendingly.

Naruto rolled his eyes as if she was supposed to know this already. "Because the store owner doesn't like me, I'm not allowed in but they're the only place that I know of that sells chocolate." He handed Sakura his frog pouch to pay with. "Don't use it for anything else but to buy chocolate. I'm sick of people wasting all of my money." He got a flashback to all of the times Jiraiya would use all of his money on girls and drinking, scowling at the thought. Although he couldn't deny that he missed it.

"Okay, okay, I got it. I'll be right back." Sakura said, sighing as she snatched the bag and entered the store.

Naruto waited impatiently, tapping his foot on the ground with his arms crossed. It wasn't long before Sakura came back out, smiling at the blonde as she held out the box of chocolates.

"Got them!" She announced. Naruto quickly turned to her in excitement. He practically skipped over to her as he took the box, opening it to look inside. Different assortments of chocolate sat inside, waiting to be eaten. His stomach grumbled, making him chuckle sheepishly.

"Oh my god, thank you, Sakura! You're the best!" Naruto exclaimed, turning before she could respond. As he went to walk away, he tripped over a rock that seemed to appear out of nowhere. The box flew out of his hands, the lid falling off and making the candy fall out. The blonde groaned as he picked up the box. "Shit..." He trailed off.

"Naruto!" Sakura shouted, running over to him. "You're so clumsy! You're lucky I didn't buy that with my own money." She helped Naruto sit up, looking at all of the candy everywhere and then at the box. "Ooh, there's still one left." She took it and popped it into her mouth.

Naruto gave her a deadpan look as if to ask, 'Seriously?'. Sakura only giggled in response, apologizing.


Naruto held a small stuffed animal in his hand, contemplating if he should buy it for Sasuke or not. He didn't know if Sasuke liked stuffed animals. Maybe he would think it was childish. People always said it's the thought that counts so the raven can't hate it that much.

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