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-Sasuke has a hard time showing his love for Naruto which can put a strain on their relationship

-Naruto tried to propose to Sasuke instead of asking him out on a date because he couldn't see the difference ("We'll be together either way!")

-Naruto hates leaving Sasuke alone because he's scared he'll leave again

-Sasuke always tells Naruto stories of his clan/family because Naruto never had a family

-Naruto absolutely loves Sasuke's laugh (he always jokes about it being a once in a life time thing).

-As parents, Sasuke is the better parent due to actually having an example as a child. Naruto tries to spoil them with Sasukes money because he doesn't know what else to do

-They could never get pets because Sasuke refuses to get a dog and Naruto thinks cats are boring(Naruto=dog person. Sasuke=cat person) and Sasuke only wants one pet

-Naruto once tried to take home a fish because he thought it was lonely, Sasuke brought it back to the wild the next day("We can't take care of a fish, Dobe.") You can not convince me this didn't happen.

-Sasuke is a 'closeted' Naru-sexual

-Sasuke gets scared that Naruto's going to leave him because he thinks he will eventually get fed up with him

-(Somewhat of a continue from last one)Naruto is sometimes insecure/scared that Sasuke will leave him because he's either not good enough or because girls are constantly following Sasuke.

-Naruto once tried to force Sasuke to give him a piggy-back ride (because he'd never had one) but Sasuke dropped like Andy was coming to make a point to not get on his back. Naruto never did it again. (He forced Lee to give him a piggy-back ride "It'll be a great work-out!")

Soooo, we just hit 1k reads... ThAnK yOu sO mUcH!!!! I really appreciate it and hope you are enjoying my content. I probably should've made an actually one-shots for this but I was lazy and decided showing off some more of my headcannons would be good enough(probably not). Anyway, again, thank you so much!

uh- enjoy.

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