ᴅᴇᴀʀ ɴᴀʀᴜᴛᴏ ᴘᴛ. 2

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It was hardly ever that Naruto got a letter, usually just somebody scolding him about his pranks because they didn't feel the need to say it in person. But, this isn't from some random person. No, this was from Sasuke. From the person, he'd had more than a crush on for a while now. Why would he send Naruto a letter? Why him of all people?

On the envelope, it has Naruto's name written in a neat cursive that seemed to make him more special than he was. He sat there admiring the writing for a moment, enjoying the thought that Sasuke had spent the time to perfect his name. He felt special.

He carefully opened the envelope, not wanting to turn the beautiful black in that read his name. He gently took out a letter, two pages long. Naruto became giddy as he thought of what could be on the letter, it was two fucking pages. It couldn't just be something simple.

Dear Naruto,

It was the first thing that he read. Unfortunately, it wasn't written in the beautiful cursive like before, but it didn't bother Naruto.

I'm in love with you.

The blonde sucked in a breath, refusing to read anymore. Is this a prank? Was he being tricked? He didn't want to find out. He wanted to keep this new hope that Sasuke might return his feelings. Despite the fear, Naruto continued to read. The words took longer to process compared to those first three. It was hard to believe that Sasuke Uchiha, the last of his clan, could love someone like him.

Sincerely, Sasuke Uchiha

It wasn't a joke. Naruto smiled as he reread the letter once more for good measure. He stood from where he sat, shoving the page in his pocket as he excitedly ran out of his apartment. Should he go to Sasuke or wait for the raven to come to him.

Definitely not. Naruto did not have the patience for that. He couldn't go before telling Sakura about it, of course.

He ran to a house he went to often due to one of his best friends living there. He had gotten many looks as he knocked on the door, probably looking out of place in the rich neighborhood.

It opened to Sakura glaring at him harshly. "Naruto! It's so early what are you-"

"I got a confession letter from Sasuke."

Sakura froze as her eyes widened. Naruto could practically see her jump in excitement.

"Oh my God! Let me read it, where is it!?"

Naruto took the paper out of his pocket, face fading slightly as he realized it was crinkled. Damn him. Sakura didn't seem to care though as she snatched the letter and started reading it.

Once she finished, she looked up excitedly and jumped from foot to foot. "It's actually a confession! Naruto, do you realize what this means?"

"That he likes me back?"

"Well yes but it's more! He loves you! And this means you have to go to him." Sakura exclaimed.




They stood outside Sasuke's door as they quietly bickered about what to do next. The obvious option was to knock, but Naruto thought it would be a good idea to just leave it. Anxiety was a bitch.

"Naruto, just knock on the door," Sakura whispered harshly, attempting to push the blonde forward.

"You knock if you're so eager!"

"You should be more eager than me!" Sakura snapped. "He already said he loves you. I don't know what you're so nervous about."

Sakura glared at Naruto, raising her fist to knock on the door. Before she could make the relative noise, it opened to Sasuke glaring at the two of them.

"What do you want?" The raven snapped.

Naruto was speechless, so he just held up the letter. Sasuke's eyes widened as he recognized the paper he had written his confession on.

"It's mutual."

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