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This was requested by Litten_Kitten thank you for the request, despite this being a bitch to write lmao, I hope you all enjoy! p.s, this isn't edited due to my phone being taken away so if there are any mistakes don't be afraid to point them out.


In all honesty, Sasuke was royally pissed. Naruto, for some reason, had been avoiding him recently and he had no idea why. Well, he had a hunch but he wasn't 100% sure just yet.

He had seen Naruto sneaking around with Hinata on multiple occasions. Whenever Sasuke confronted them, they would get nervous and fidgety. He was convinced the blonde was cheating on him. Naruto didn't seem like the type to do that and deep down Sasuke probably knew that, but he was furious and couldn't listen to reason, even if it was from his own head.

So, what did he do? At first nothing, he just kept a close eye on them. The more he watched them the more he convinced himself Naruto was cheating on him.


"Naruto, I just don't think this is a good idea. Are you sure we should be doing this?" Hinata asked nervously, playing with her hands out of habit. She had had the little habit since she was a kid, she was a naturally skittish person. "I just- what if we get caught!"

"No, no, Hinata, it's fine! We can pull this off!" Naruto said, giving her a bright smile. "Besides, Sasuke won't find out. Trust me."

"Won't find out about what," Sasuke asked sternly, turning the corner just in time to hear what Naruto said.

"Uh..." Naruto trailed off, looking to Hinata for help.

Her eyes searched her surroundings and out of panic she said, "Naruto's cheese cravings!" Both males froze before looking over to her. She shrunk under their gazes, looking to the ground.

Naruto, being the 'quick thinker' he was, decided to go along with it. He didn't have any better ideas after all. "Uh- yeah! You see, Sasuke, I didn't think you would waste money on cheese just to... Satisfy my cravings so... I asked Hinata?" It wasn't meant to be phrased as a question and the blonde had to resist from cringing once he realized.

"Yeah..." Hinata agreed quietly.

"Uhuh," Sasuke said slowly, nodding his head never so slightly. He didn't believe any of the shit that just spewed out of their mouths but he decided to let it go for now.

There were plenty of other times that Sasuke had caught them but he had decided to spy. It never usually lasted long enough to hear the whole conversation because he would get upset and walk away out of spite.

He would always go back home and throw a couple of pillows before settling down. Most nights, Naruto didn't get home until late, well early, usually getting back around one or two in the morning. It was infuriating. The blue-eyed boy had become distant and Sasuke knew exactly why.

At this point, after catching them multiple times, he finally wanted to do something about it. Of course, he had in mind wasn't the best, or only, option but he was angry and wanted to get back at Naruto.


"Sasuke," Naruto whispered as he quietly climbed into bed next to Sasuke. "Are you still awake?" He asked almost innocently, getting comfortable under the covers. He wrapped his arms around Sasuke, though he was quickly pushed away.

"Not in the mood to cuddle tonight," Sasuke said bitterly.

"Uh, okay then. That's fine, I guess." Naruto said quietly, shifting away. Sasuke could hear the hurt in his voice, he would've felt bad if Naruto wasn't cheating on him.

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