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"Shit," Naruto mumbled with a light, bittersweet laugh. He took in a shaky, stuttered breath as he attempted to stand up, though he only winced with a hiss of pain as he fell back to the ground. He slowly laid himself back on the dirt floor, trying not to put pressure or weight on any of his wounds. He took in a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself, maybe gets a bit more motivation to push through the pain.

He managed to stand up, though with the help of the wall. He limped slightly as he exited the alley, succeeding in not getting any strange looks. It was mostly because people ignored Naruto daily but he had never been more grateful.

It wasn't long before Naruto had made it to his small apartment. He reached for the top of the doorframe, grabbing his key that sat atop it. He went to unlock it but ended up dropping the key. Naruto groaned in annoyance, leaning his head on the wall. If he leaned down to get it, he didn't know if he could get back up.

"Dobe?" Naruto heard, making him roll his eyes as he turned to the familiar face of his teammate. "The hell happened to you?"

"Tripped." He mumbled. He knew his excuse was pathetic and probably the most unrealistic compared to how he looks but he honestly didn't care at the moment. Naruto just wanted to get inside, heal in the safety of his home.

"What a horrible excuse." Sasuke scoffed. He picked up Naruto's key, though didn't give it to the blonde. "Tell me what really happened." He demanded, glaring at the blonde.

"Why would you care, Teme," Naruto said, not having the energy to fight with Sasuke at the moment. He was hurting all over, whatever wasn't bleeding was sore as fuck. Besides all of that, he was just in a bad mood. Sasuke wasn't helping.

"I don't."

"Then give me my fucking key." Naruto went to grab it, only for it to be pulled away by the raven.

"Tell me the truth," Sasuke said, making Naruto huff in annoyance as he tried to grab it again while still trying to keep his balance.

"You just said you don't care." The blonde deadpanned, sighing as he leaned against the wall to relieve his foot of some of the pain.

"And? I don't need an explanation for why I'm asking what happened." Sasuke snapped. He walked past Naruto, inserting the key in the lock and opening the door. "I'm going in." He said, despite the fact of already entered.

Naruto, once again, rolled his eyes and entered his home. He shut the door before following Sasuke into the house. He was exhausted and doesn't want to deal with this right now.

"Teme, is this necessary?" Naruto mumbled.

Sasuke ignored the blonde as he spotted the bathroom and shifted through the drawers. "Where's your first-aid kit?" He asked.

"I don't have one." Naruto shrugged, sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall. "I never needed it."

"Of course you wouldn't have one. I'm not surprised." Sasuke muttered.

He stood up, grabbed a hand towel, and used the sink to wet it. He gently dabbed my wounds, making me wince.

He stood back to get a full look at me, frowning at me, not that he smiled at me often. "Who did this to you?" He asked though it sounded more like a demand.

"No one, I tripped," I repeated.


"If you aren't satisfied with your answer then maybe go help someone else," Naruto said, sighing as he leaned against the back of the toilet.

Sasuke shook his head, sitting on the floor and leaning against the opposite wall of Naruto. "I'm not leaving this shitty apartment until you tell me. And by the way, I'm eating all the ramen."

"What?!" Naruto yelled, making Sasuke wince at the volume. "You can't do that! I paid for that ramen!"

Sasuke only shrugged, smirking. "Oh well, people who lie don't get ramen."

Naruto opened and closed his mouth like a fish, not knowing what to say. "I-... You can't do that!" He yelled.

"Tell me what happened," Sasuke demanded.

"I tripped."

"No ramen."

"No!" Naruto snapped.

"Then tell me," Sasuke said, crossing his arms. It almost sounded desperate as he tried to pry the information from the stubborn blonde.

Naruto was silent for a pregnant pause, which was very unlike the talkative blonde. He looked down at his hands as he contemplated whether he should actually tell Sasuke or not. Would he even understand?

"Tell me," Sasuke repeated, getting impatient.

Naruto sighed, starting to fidget with his hands. "I was attacked." He said bluntly, deciding that getting straight to the point would be easiest.

Sasuke looked at Naruto blankly, not knowing what to say to that. Naruto was attacked? By who? For what reason? His brows furrowed slightly in anger as he asked, "Who attacked you?"

"I... Actually, I don't know. I didn't have a chance to see their faces." Naruto said. He slid off the toilet to sit on the floor with Sasuke.

"There was more than one?" Sasuke almost shouted, ready to walk out and beat someone's ass.

"Look, can we just drop it? It doesn't matter anymore. I just want to go to bed." The blonde pleaded, rubbing his temples to rid of the headache he had gained.

Sasuke sighed, shaking his head as he lifted the towel, soaked it in the water again, and started dabbing Naruto's wounds once again. "Fine, but if this happens again I won't hesitate to kill someone."

Naruto snorted, smirking as he teased, "Aw, so you do care!"

"Shut up."

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