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Dear Naruto,

    I'm in love with you. That's the whole point of this letter. I thought about telling you in person but when I figured you'd probably reject me or think that I'm trying to mess with you, it shut that thought down real quick. I don't know what to say or if I'm supposed to prove that I'm in love with you.

I know making you feel special would help so if this does anything, you are the first person I've ever felt this way about. I was a little disgusted at first, I tried to deny it too. I guess I came to terms that I have these feelings for you a few months back. Worst experience of my life. Besides my clan dying, I can't exactly compare anything to that. But this was a close second, I guess.

Well, I guess this is where I prove myself.

Although you're loud and annoying, it's comforting. It's like, I don't know if this makes sense, that you're there. Almost as if I'm afraid you left or something happened to you and you being your idiotic self reassures me. And when you aren't yelling, you're kind of nice to talk to, not that I would've been able to admit it outside of this letter. I love it when you're talking about things you're passionate about. I like when you boast about becoming the Hokage someday. Most people don't believe you but I do. It's hard not to when I've seen the way you can fight, pull chakra out of nowhere as if you keep it in your pocket. I don't know how you do it but it's amazing. I like it when you talk about ramen. Despite it being such a simple food, you make it sound like it's this amazing and complex food that everyone should try. How do you do that? I love when you start talking at a rapid speed when you're excited. It's cute.

My favorite feature about you is your eyes though. They're a stunning blue. I'm convinced you've never looked in a mirror because they're worth bragging about. They're so complex with their many shades. When the light hits them perfectly they have this glow that captures happiness itself. Like I said, stunning. It's as if you lay everything on display when I look into your eyes. I can tell exactly what you're thinking, feeling. It's comforting. I like being able to read you easily. I can just tell that you're happy, angry, upset, just by looking into those beautiful eyes. When you're upset they become this dark blue, as if they portray your mood. It's so pretty that I could stare at them until my time ends. When you get excited, they get this special light in them that can capture anyone, not just me. You can make anyone smile just by that. They're beautiful. I will never stop saying it, they're stunning. They're enticing, all of the above.

You know those times we kissed? Both of them? At the time I was disgusted at the fact that I had kissed an idiot like you. Now I wish I could do it again, except this time it wouldn't be accidental. I wouldn't pretend to gag at the mere feeling of your lips on mine. It would be on purpose, it would be intentional, whatever other words that mean I meant it. I would. I can't remember what it felt like when we kissed, it was too long ago. I wish I could though. I would reminisce about that feeling if I could. If we ever kiss again I can promise you I won't forget. How could I? This overwhelming love for you would most likely prevent it, not that I'm complaining.

You know those times we fight and bicker? I can't say I hate them. I can't exactly say I enjoy them either. What I can admit is that I wouldn't trade anything for it. I like that you do that with me alone. You don't stomp childishly with other people. You don't fight with Sakura. You don't have comebacks for other boys or girls. You bicker and fight with me like you're comfortable enough to do it. I'm glad, I'm comfortable around you too.

The times we battle, I love them. You may lose more than half of the time but I enjoy them. I admire your determination to win and that you never give even though I almost always win. What I hate though is that you never give it you're all. I've seen you go all out and I'm jealous. Why don't you go all out on me? Is it because we're friends? Fuck that, I want to fight you at your full power. I want to know what it feels like to fight that side of you, where you go all out just to protect the people you love.

I like your smile. Actually, scratch that, I love it. It's pretty, it's bright, it makes me want to smile. I never do though, I don't know why. But your smile it's just something that I can't look away from, it's almost as stunning as your eyes, not quite though. It makes me feel safe, as long as you're smiling then things are okay. You're okay. I need to know that you're okay, that you're feeling well. When you smile, I know you are.

Remember that one mission, a while back? The one where we had to camp out overnight and neither of us could sleep so we sat in front of the fire together? I remember telling you about the stars and constellations. I remember the way you smiled while I talked and just listened as if you'd let me talk forever. I wish that moment would have lasted forever. I could've been able to stare at the fire and talk about the stars that were too far away to even comprehend. Most of all, I could've stayed sitting next to you. I don't I'd ever talked more in my entire life than I did that night. I think that was the night I fell in love.

I remember admiring the way your skin glowed in the light of the fire. I remember the way the flames danced in your eyes. I remember how you put your hands up close to feel the warmth. I put my hands up too, let them feel the same heat that you felt. I remember thinking about holding your hand, I wish I didn't shut it down so fast because after that I had felt disgusted with myself and left. I made the excuse that I was tired. I actually believed myself too. What other reason would I think about holding your hand if I wasn't tired? I ended up laying awake in my sleeping bag for the next few hours. I regret not trying to hold your hand.

Maybe I could hold your hand in the future.

God, I don't even know if you remember that. I don't even know if you're gay, or if you reciprocate my feelings. I guess it's just a lot of what if's and maybe's. That's my confession. Except it or don't, I don't care. I already feel better getting it off my chest. But I love you and you know that now. I fucking hated writing this letter though so if you don't actually feel the same then I am switching to a different team, I swear.

Sasuke Uchiha

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