Chapter 15 - Lucy

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Days of us just being cute and horny went by; we took baths and showers together, cooked and ate, talked and chased each other around the house laughing. There were days that I just wanted to sit and read and Natsu was more than happy just to hold me or even read next to me. I finished another novel while I was traveling and training so I was finally able to get started on editing. Natsu and I were just able to be alone to spend time together and it was amazing. I never thought we could talk so much without going somewhere or without anyone else around, I had dreams of it but I never thought it would actually happen. 

"Natsu what do you think about us?" I asked him one day while we cuddled on the couch while I read and he napped. 

"That I love you and anyone who has a problem with that can go crawl under a rock," he smiled back with that heart stopping smile of his. 

I roll my eyes at him. This isn't the first time I have asked him that. "Natsu should we tell our guild mates?" I finally caved and just asked him what I really wanted to know, I should have known better than to beat around the bush.

He froze and I think I almost saw smoke coming from him, at first he looked happy then terrified as visions of what I'm sure involved Erza came to mind. "I don't know. It's like my instincts are going two separate ways. One I want to show you off to the world, show everyone that you are mine. Then the other I want to hide you away and protect you from everything," I blinked at how honest he was being. 

"I kind of feel the same way on both sides. I want everyone to know but at the same time I feel like I'll be attacked for it. Like I somehow don't deserve you," I smile at him before leaning into his warm arms already growing sleepy. "Like it should have been Lisanna not me..."

"Never, I like Lisanna, sure , just nothing more than like a sister. You are the only one who has ever made me feel this way," he snuggled into my neck.

"How about we just go about like we want and if they see us awesome, if not then oh well?" Natsu whispered in my ear as I relaxed in his arms. 

I thought about it for a couple minutes then yawned. "I need to go back to training soon. Maybe you can come with me for a little while?" I asked him sleepily. 

"Anything you want Luce, I love you" I barely heard his answer before smiling and letting sleep take me. We still don't have an answer but at least we talked about it.


"Princess? It's time to go to the training realm," Virgo shook me awake and I was startled at first but soon relaxed again. 

"Hmm okay," I yawned realizing that Natsu and I fell asleep in the library again. Maybe we should get a daybed for in here? 

"Virgo can Natsu go with me?" I yawned again before standing up to stretch. 

"As your mate he may go anywhere you go but he may not interfere," she answered and I couldn't help smiling. 

"Natsu?" I whisper shaking an arm. "Are you going to stay here or come with me?" He jumped at that looking around and when he saw me and Virgo he groaned. 

"You're leaving already? I wanted more time with you," he pulled me into his arms and I couldn't help giggling. 

"Do you want to come with us? You can't interfere with my training but you can watch," I ask again only to see his head snap up and he nodded happily. 

We followed Virgo into the training grounds and I don't know if it was because he was watching me or not but everything seemed so much harder than last time. It wasn't until Aquarius had swept me away for the third time in a row that I was starting to lose my temper. 

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