Chapter 21 - Lucy

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A/N Don't forget I'll be taking 2 weeks hiatus after this chapter but them I'll be back again!💃

Arcadios cleared his throat after what looked like a young boy ran up giving him a sheet of paper. "It looks like one more failed attempt at the mission and it will upgrade to a S class, are you sure you want it?" He was trying really hard to ignore the scene from before and I was carefully wiping away the last of my tears from laughing so hard.

"Hell yeah we do!" Natsu cheered, to be fair this way we really didn't need permission from the Master considering it wasn't yet an S class mission. I just smiled and nodded my head and we signed the mission knowing that the one on the Fairytail mission board would have our names signed on it at the same time as well.

I read the mission carefully and found that there really wasn't a whole lot of information to go off of; cavern, demons. that was about it. But it paid well and it should help us blow off some steam. So I'm sure it will be fine. We waved our arms as we ran back into the night.


"Natsu?" I tensed looking around. The cavern was so stupidly deep in a cave that it took us an hour to get there. The demons so far have just been status? To be fair they do glow whenever we get close. But I don't see how that is very demonic. Plus at least 5 other attempts have been made on this mission and failed. So where are the demons?

"Luce stop," I freeze. Something about the tone of his voice was all wrong. I waited and I listened as he walked up to me, his breathing light but easily audible in the cave. "Don't move a muscle, there is something next to your leg. I'm going to grab it." I waited, not even nodding my head.

I could feel his breath on the back of my neck before he must have squatted down to see the thing. I hear something clatter on the ground like porcelain on stone. It took a minute but he finally let me know I could move and when I did I looked back waving the torch so that I could see what it was and almost dropped it.

Yes, that is a demon. I could feel my blood screaming in my veins to run like hell but knowing that the moment no one is watching it it will come alive again.

"Natsu don't blink, that is a real demon, it's not like the ones Zeref created." I kept my eyes trained on it. It was only about a foot tall but these things could suck you dry in seconds. If only they drank your blood it would be far less painful. Instead they drank your will to live.

If someone managed to prevent you from killing yourself for 24 hours you will gain it back. It's like eating or sleeping it will replenish itself. But the problem was that they hunted you. They enjoy watching the life fade from your eyes not once but twice. The first when they drank your will the second when you ended your own life. Thankfully they can't feed or move at all if they are seen by someone.

But how many are there? They can't move even if it's one of their own kind looking at them. So they don't tend to stay together but they also don't stay far away. There would probably be at least three but not more than ten and only that many if this place was huge.

"There's only one way to get rid of them. They are called Galvin and they can't move if they are being watched or seen by someone or something. We have to kill it. They watch your very mind die by feeding off of you and then they watch as you physically waste away enjoying watching you seek out your own death." I was whispering even though I knew it couldn't hurt me while I watched.

"So if I smash it?" He asked but kept his eyes trained on it.

"Death by fire," I watched him grin at my words and he lit his hands that we're still holding the thing and even frozen we could hear it's screams. At least that explained the status, the large ones that glowed towards the entrance. The eyes on them are always open and it used to be common practice to keep little status in front of your homes to ward off the evil things like these. Some people think it's the reason for garden gnomes and other yard statues.

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