Chapter 63 - Lucy

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Natsu has been acting weird since I made the contract with Tatiana but I couldn't listen in on what he and Loke talked about because I was in the middle of making the contract with Tatiana. I just hope that the two of them don’t do anything that would get them into trouble because they misunderstood something. I have enough on my plate without cleaning up after them too.

We were eating breakfast in the dining hall when the rest of our team showed up. The fact that we have spent over a week here and they still haven’t left is kind of impressive in its own way.

Natsu was currently kissing on my neck, nipping at me, teasingly, as he did and I can’t help the giggles he dragged out of me even with how tired I am now. It wasn't until I started yawning that he paused his teasing.

“Time for bed,” he announced like I was a small child and I pouted up at him.

“Natsu, it’s only 9:30 in the morning,” I tried to be patient but he just grinned at me.

“But we spent half the night running around town, flying looking for her key,” he pointed out and that got all of our team’s attention.

“You two went searching in the middle of the night? Why wouldn’t you just wait until morning?” Gray asked, looking at us like we were crazy.

“Gray is right, it would have been safer during the day and we could have helped you more,” Erza added while nodding, getting on my nerves.

“Tatiana called for me to come and get her key. Her key wasn’t able to be found during the day, she said it was just the way her key worked,” I sighed but the fact that both of our friends froze hearing her name was kind of comical in a way.

“True besides, no one said you two had to stick around while we searched for her key, in fact we told you the moment we were done with the mission that you could go back without us,” Natsu rolled his eyes at them before eating yet another pancake.

“Now that we are done, could you deliver this letter to Master?” I held up the letter that was already sealed. “Zeref and Mavis are sending us to explore some ruins that used to be their hideout, they want us to deliver a special item for them but it’s confidential so none of you can come anyway,” I held the letter towards Erza who looked shocked at the fact that first master had given us a secret mission.

A lie, but we needed to get rid of them and this was a sure fire way for Erza to drag Gray back to the guild hall without fighting us. The idea had actually come from Mavis for us to use her as an excuse whenever we needed so I mean hey. If it works, so be it.

“First Master Mavis is sending you two on a secret mission?” Gray asked dumbfounded and I saw Natsu rolling his eyes but he kept his mouth shut. This is after all my lie and he didn’t want to ruin the details.

“Yes, even Happy can’t come,” I looked over at the blue tom cat who pouted but when I winked at him he smiled back at me.

“Don’t worry Lucy! Happy can stay with Carla and me while you’re gone so take as long as you need!” Wendy cheered happily and the way she was practically glowing made me think that she might already know about my condition, but how?

Natsu and I laughed and chatted for a while longer before I yawned again. “I mean it, time for bed. We only slept for about an hour last night before Tatiana had us running around for her key,” Natsu picked me up before looking at our friends. “You guys should go ahead and head back without us, this mission is going to take more than just a couple weeks.” He turned and as I waved over his shoulder he carried me back to our room and I was able to suck him into my mouth now that he didn’t have any defenses to stop me.

“Fuck, Luce~!” He moaned and I made myself comfortable. His muscles flexing, fighting against his skin in a losing battle for dominance. It wasn't until I had him on his back and calling out my name that I finally climbed on top of him and it was soon after that that we climaxed, leaving us both exhausted thanks to the lack of sleep last night.

"I don't know what you and Loke have planned but it better not cause any trouble," I panted. He grinned at me, his arms already holding me close, making me want to curl up and fall asleep in them.

"Don't worry Luce, we were just planning how to deal with missions while you and I are out. He suggested that he do a few missions and that way no one would panic about us being gone for so long," he grinned at me again before trailing kisses up my arm and along my neck. "We didn't do anything, just made plans." His kisses are so sweet I was losing the will power to bother thinking about what he was saying. They were making plans to give updates to the guild so that they won't worry about us. That's good. So long as they don't give too much information I'll be happy and I know Natsu won't tell them more than I want them to know. I guess it's all okay.

"Come on Luce, tomorrow we'll be riding the train all the way to your spirits. Let's go again," he whispered in my ear and I couldn't help giggling at his light touches. Okay, maybe I have been stressing a little too much lately. I should just let Natsu take care of me, at least for a little while.

I miss him, his lips taunting me only for his tongue to try and devour me when I opened up for him. Yes, I'll let him take care of me for a while.

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