Chapter 8 - Natsu

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A/N So I won't be uploading on Saturday this week because I have a memorial service to prepare for, so I figured I would go ahead and upload today. Take care my Fairies.! 💃

"We're back!" Happy and I called out as we kicked the guild door open the next day. We had decided to go straight home to sleep off our exhaustion because we were actually dumb enough to fly and use my fire to cut our travel time down, by days a feat all on it's own but still. We felt like we had been put through a meat grinder. We had to sleep for the rest of the day and all night just to come in after lunch.

Yeah, it was that bad. But it will be totally worth it! Luce is going to be so happy when she finally sees her birthday present! And this time it is on time! Three days early actually. The only reason we didn't come in early this morning is because Happy and I were too busy cleaning the house.

I know I'm so weird, now that I know that I love her I can't help feeling this need to. I don't know, impress her? No that's not quite it. Make her comfortable? Better but still not it. I just need to make her feel loved and cared for. I am feeling so good right now that I don't even care that Gray's dumb ass is yelling out insults from across the guild hall.

Seriously though I can't read him, is he into Juvia or that Leon guy? He smells all funny around both of them. The peppermint guy comes to mind, "Not so gay." Hmm I know that that is not what the manager meant but it seemed to fit. Gray didn't really seem to be either gay or straight, maybe he likes both? I shrug my shoulders at the thought. It doesn't really matter to me one way or the other.

But, Mira would kill for that kind of information. I could see her hunting him down to get a real answer, hehe if he pissed me off too much I'll just have to tell her.

I wave and answer greetings as my guild mates called them out, I could hear several people yelling out asking where I have been, and other things like it. I just grin like it was a secret and it's not long before Happy flies off to offer Carla a fish. She is still refusing them but at the same time she isn't? She kind of takes it for maybe a second and then gives it back to him saying something along the lines of she isn't hungry and doesn't want it to go to waste.

I go straight to the bar where I see MiraJane actually staring me down? What happened? She doesn't look mad so that is a relief but I'm still confused.

"Hey Mira! Have you seen Luce? Happy and I just got back," I'm a little nervous and even as I looked around for the blond celestial mage I realize I can't even smell her. How weird she must have gone on a job with Erza and Gray. I look at them at our usual table, maybe they just got back and Luce just went home instead. She does that most of the time.

"Natsu, where have you been? Lucy has been gone just about as long as you have been." I froze at her words. Luce has been gone? What? Why? Where did she go? What was she doing all this time? WHY? Before I could open my mouth Mira gave me a smile and continued talking. "Yeah, we were actually thinking that you caught up with her after she sent the letters because you were gone so long. Hold on I have it here somewhere." She gave me one of her famous smiles that look like absolutely nothing could go wrong before turning to go to the back.

How can she be so calm? Luce isn't here and I'm NOT with her. Why isn't anyone worried about her? It's not long before Mira comes back with a sealed envelope and I rip it open and see her pretty handwriting scrawled on the page. I read through it and start to relax before reading it a second and third time just to be safe:


Sorry I was so mad about the harbor it was really my fault anyway for getting kidnapped again. I shouldn't have gotten so mad at you but I was just so angry, angry at myself mostly. So I am sorry.

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