Chapter 35 - Lucy

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A/N Okay work and life in general has become too much to be keeping two stories going. So I will be down shifting to uploading a chapter every other week. For both stories! I hope to have them on alternating weeks but we'll see. 😓

"Natsu?" I looked up at the voice to see Igneel standing behind us but at the same time anyone could see that he wasn't all here. He was seen through, the ghost of who he once was. Natsu still hasn't moved or even turned his head yet and I can't blame him. Igneel is here but he isn't really alive anymore now is he?

I put a hand on his shoulder, he was so tense he actually jumped at the contact but he still didn't turn around. "Is it really him?" His words were so small, so quiet that even with my headset turned all the way up, I barely heard him at all.

"Natsu, it's his spirit. He is like how First Master Mavis used to be," It was the best way I could put it. She used to fade in and out of sight at will. But this also told Natsu what he needed to know,

Igneel is still dead.

"Dad?" Natsu's voice broke and I squeezed his shoulder a little before letting him go and he finally turned around, tears already glistening in his eyes. I can only imagine if it would have been me and my mother in his place. Relief and heartbroken all at once, my heart shattering at the finality of it all.

"Natsu you have grown so much, is this your mate? I feel like I have seen her before? Hmm," Igneel seemed to almost hum to himself but of course we all heard it.

I smiled and stepped forward before Natsu grabbed my hand. I squeezed it and pulled him forward with me, towards Igneel. Natsu finally introduced me and then Happy and even though his voice was forced his smile was very real.

"Luce and Happy are my family, my mate and son." He smiled towards me and Igneel asked about how we met and how long we had been together.

"Natsu! You're telling me it took you how many years to ask her to be your mate! What the hell is the matter with you?" I couldn't help giggling at him while Natsu huffed and tried to defend himself but he ended up failing pretty badly.

"It's okay Igneel, I can't say for sure if I would have told him yes before. Honestly I probably would have been too embarrassed and said no, so it worked out best this way," I kept giggling as I talked and Natsu pulled me into his arms purring lightly as he did. We ended up walking to the nearby stream that made the waterfall that ran off the edge and sitting down to enjoy the nice breeze. We talked for hours about everything and nothing at all.

Natsu talked about all the things Igneel would have missed from growing up and I couldn't help laughing when Igneel told him, "Natsu just because I was making antibodies for your body doesn't mean that I didn't know what was happening outside of it." Natsu had gone bright red but I couldn't miss the smile that came with it. Igneel, even though he couldn't actually raise him, was still watching over him all those years he had been "missing".

Eventually Natsu's stomach growled and we all laughed and Igneel showed us into the castle. There were a lot of beautiful people walking around and I almost didn't notice that they were not human. They were tall and slender and their proportions were pretty well normal except for one detail. Their ears, they were pointy, these people were elves? Igneel didn't point them out and instead pretended that they weren't there at all.

We ended up eating in a huge room that even Igneel could fit in but since the castle was his I guess it only made sense that he would be able to fit just about everywhere. The elves served us a large brunch and by the time we were done eating even Natsu was full. I listened to all kinds of stories of Natsu growing up and the fact that the hours seemed to fly by unnoticed by any of us at least told me that no matter the outcome of today. It was worth it.

"Lucy?" Igneel seemed to hesitate for a moment but when I looked at him he went on. "When are you two going to have little eggs of your own? I'm glad to have Happy for a grandson but I was hoping for more considering he can't learn dragon slayer magic."

My mouth dropped open, wait EGGS? "Eggs?" I asked, trying not to croak with my suddenly dry mouth.

Igneel seemed amused by us because I wasn't the only one who was shocked at his revelation. "Yes, eggs. I know that sometimes a young dragon slayer will have live birth but it is overall more healthy for both the mother and baby if she lays their egg instead." Wait, I actually have a choice in this? Just how?

"I... Well... I guess we really haven't talked about it that much. I would like to have more children but aren't we still a little young?" I was more than a little flustered but I think I did pretty good.

"Luce, we can have a baby anytime you are ready. I promise," Natsu snuggled into my neck kissing me lightly throughout my mating mark. I DO want to have a baby. I really do it's just; what if we're not ready yet? What do we do? I mean we should probably let everyone know that we are actually together first right? I asked Igneel, I can't just not. I'm too flustered and confused and Natsu is just being too cute at the moment!

"You could tell everyone but it's usually in a dragons nature to avoid the conversation. Most never actually make an announcement at all and just let their mating mark tell everyone for them. But I don't see why Natsu's mark isn't showing? Of course I can see it but at the same time I know that most others wouldn't," I looked at Natsu after hearing Igneel's words. I didn't even know he had a mating mark.

He smiled sheepishly at me before he showed his own starburst on his neck, where mine was gold his was silver but otherwise they were pretty much identical. "I guess I'm just not ready yet," he shrugged a little embarressed.

I smile at him; sweet, outgoing, loud and fun Natsu was being shy. And it is so freaking adorable I could just kiss him, but not in front of his father. Instead I snuggled into his arms and let out a soft purr like when he does when he is happy. If Natsu wants more time then he can have it, this is OUR relationship and we work best together. Everyone else can just wait.

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