Chapter 30 - Natsu

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I woke up with a metal collar around my neck chained to the bottom of the ocean floor. Where is my mate? I picked up the charm around my neck and when I said her name it lifted up and pointed directly into some muddy thick water that I couldn't see through. 

"Luce!" I yelled and tried to break the chains holding me down but nothing was working. That's when I noticed that I wasn't alone; there were hundreds if not thousands of merpeople surrounding me. I tried prying the metal collar off but it wouldn't give. The creatures surrounding me seemed to be trying to talk to me and they were getting pissed that I wasn't answering them. 

"WHERE THE FUCK IS MY MATE?" I screamed but no one was answering me. Something is wrong with Luce, I can feel it. It was like being suffocated while still breathing, toxic. The fish people, because they don't deserve to be called anything else, were getting louder but I still couldn't make out what they were saying. 

Now I'm seeing red, Luce is in danger and all they want to do is fuck around? "FIRE DRAGON'S ROAR!" I kept screaming over and over again. I don't care that I'm under water. I could feel the once ice cold waters start to boil around me. Of course fire was not coming out but my magic was making things hot and it was only getting worse with each one. 

"Stop! Why do you refuse to speak in the tongue of our people? Why do you insist on using the words of man? Speak!" The closest guy, the one with all the silver markings on his skin, was the one who was talking. 

"Because I am a man. Where is my mate?" I glared at him, I could easily see that he was getting burned but I'm not above boiling this place dry. 

"You speak like a man but you call her mate? Human men see their females as property, then give them the title of wife until they get bored with them," He snapped back. 

"FIRE DRAGON'S ROAR!" I started again. I'm not playing around with my mate's life on the line. I could feel her drifting further and further away. I looked around and saw one of those rocks that hold Etherus energy. Now that I'm actually looking around I was surrounded by them. Good, because I'm not stopping until my mate is safe in my arms again. 

I picked one up and took a bite out of it, not surprised at all at the shocked looks on the fish people's faces but once I swallowed I roared again and again. I tried breaking my chains with the stones but it wasn't actually helping. 

"Stop! Are you trying to kill us all! For a human woman?" I took another bite and roared again. "Stop, she is close to us. She won't be able to take the heat!" 

"She is my mate, my fire will not burn her!" I glared at the maybe leader before taking a deep breath in. 

"Stop! If you do it again the death waters will kill her!" I froze at his words. 

"Let me go to my mate!" I demanded, I can't trust them. They are probably lying but I can't chance it. 

"I can't-" I ignored him and took another bite only to find what looked like a crystal celestial key inside... There is no way...

How many countless times have I heard Luce summon a spirit and make a contract just in the last month? 

"I am linked to the path to the world of Celestial Spirits, now! O spirit, answer my call and pass through the gate!" The key flashed bright and many of the people surrounding me backed away trying to block the light shining from it. The feel of my magic draining from me, felt like it was just pouring out. 

A giant green man that honestly looked like his hair was made out of seaweed was swimming in front of me; a merman. He looked down for a moment and studied me before bowing his head. 

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