(34) Texting

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How's it been so far?

Can you believe that in one week 2020 will be behind us??

We were on our way back from Denny's right now, and I wasn't paying attention to anything around me. I was texting Ricky because things were finally not awkward, weird, or confusing between us.

 I was texting Ricky because things were finally not awkward, weird, or confusing between us

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I look up, and Gina and Ashlyn are staring at me. If Kourtney could too, she would, but she's driving. Scratch that, Kourtney was giving her small daggers in the rearview mirror.

"Yeah?" I said calmly while slowly putting my phone down.

"We've been screaming your name for the past 30 seconds. What's got you so distracted?"

"Nothing," I say calmly. Kourtney gives that look.

"Your face is redder than Big Red's hair. What's up?" Ashlyn asks.

"Chill, nothing's happening," I say as I feel my phone buzz with another text.

"Are you gonna get that?" Gina asks, smirking.

"It's fine. What were we talking about?"

"What did you and Ricky talk about before we came in?" Ashlyn asks.

Crap, I hadn't thought that far ahead. "Oh, he just wanted me to help him remember some stuff," I lie.

"Please say you didn't tell him the truth," Gina pleads.

I don't say anything. I mean, that's what I was gonna do anyway so...

"Nini!" Kourtney yells, shaking me out of my thoughts.


"You were honest with him!? Why didn't you just pretend you never broke up?!" she asks.

"Because I'd feel guilty," I say. Ironic, I wasn't ever gonna lie and say our breakup didn't happen. I could never lie to Ricky. And yet here I am, lying to them.

"Who cares whether it's wrong or right? You should've done it," Ashlyn says.

"Exactly, you should've saved him from the queen of hell while he doesn't know anything about her!" Gina exclaims.

"Guys, it's not that big of a deal. I don't wanna be with Ricky if he doesn't remember what we've been through." That was the most truthful thing I've said so far. But thankfully he does.

"You are too nice for your good," Kourtney says. Gina and Ashlyn nod.

I quickly look at my phone to see Ricky still texting. I'm about to respond when, "Oh my god!" I shoot my head up, confused as to why someone's just yelled.

"What's happened?" I ask.

"It's Ricky," Gina says.

I raise a brow. "Huh? What about Ricky?"

"That's the face you always made whenever Ricky made you happy. Something else happened in that hospital room you're not telling us. In fact, he's probably the one you're texting," Ashlyn says. Sometimes I wish they didn't know me so well.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I lie.

"Totally, then why are you blushing profusely?" Kourtney asks.

"Oh, just drive," I say. I can see her smirking, knowing she's right (just because she is doesn't mean she has to know that).

*Nini's House*
I get to my room, and Ricky wants to FaceTime.

(Nini | Ricky)

"Someone's a little impatient," I joke when I pick up.

He mocks offense. "Excuse me for wanting to see your face again."

"By the way, the girls were suspicious on the ride home. They think I'm hiding something."

He raises an eyebrow. "Well... you kinda are."

"You know what I mean," I laugh.

"We won't have to keep it for long... hopefully."

"Yeah, I hope whatever your plan is works."

"So do I."

I prop my phone against my pillow and pull my hoodie so only my eyes are showing. "Well someone's sleepy."

"Shut up. It's been a long day," I yawn out.

"It has, no doubt about it."

I feel my eyes start to close, and I let them, feeling more tired than usual. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask without opening my eyes.

"Wha-? How would you know? Your eyes aren't even open!" I don't even try to hide my amusement.

"I can feel your eyes on me," I mumble. I can practically hear his smile through the phone.

"You're adorable." Thank god my hoodie covers most of my red face.

"I'm going to sleep." I reach over to put my phone away, but his voice stops me.

"What are you doing?"

"Putting my phone away cause I'm tired."

"Just stay on the line."

"You're gonna watch me while I sleep? Creep."

"Call it what you want, just don't hang up."

"Fine, you're such a baby sometimes. Have I told you that lately?"

"Am not. And you may have said it once or twice."

"Yes, yes you most certainly are."

I turn my screen brightness down, so it doesn't keep me up. The last thing I remember before falling asleep was seeing a tired Ricky on my phone.


Sorry for the short chapter😢

From here on out, I feel like the chapters are crap. Like, I've written some future ones already, and it just feels like they don't live up to what I want them to be. They're much shorter than intended, and I feel like they don't make sense and are all over the place.

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