(9) First Date

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"You have got to be kidding me," I muttered on the way to Ashlyn's. I couldn't believe we tied. After an hour's worth of playing, we tied. I hope I can get Red to say the harder parts.

Big Red
I know EJ wants me to say the tougher stuff, but I think I have an idea. We agreed on the car ride to Ashlyn's that we'd each take turns saying Ricky's answers to our questions. If I counted right, Ej should get stuck with the harder one. I know we only asked him a few questions, but I know EJ didn't count. Plus, if I continue talking long enough, I could tell a second question. That shouldn't hurt. Dear God, allow the rest of this night to not be a disaster.

Finally! The tea I've been waiting for. EJ and Big Red wanted to talk with each other beforehand, so we all piled into Kourtney's car. As much as I love everyone here, I don't want to be that close to them ever again. Ever.

I'm so much more nervous than I should be. This is what I wanted, answers. I'm about to get them. We arrived at Ashlyn's house, and EJ's car wasn't that far behind us. Big Red and EJ walked in whispering with each other, probably figuring out who was going to say what. I can't believe we 'played' a game of bowling for an hour for it to end in a tie.

"Alright, who's ready to hear about all the tea?!" Carlos said happily while running into the living room with drinks and popcorn.

"ME!!" the entire room said in unison.

"You ready for this?" Big Red asked EJ.

"Nope," EJ said, popping the 'p'.

"Ok, I'll go first," Big Red said, getting a drink and sitting down.

I was surprised when Red said he'd go first, but I didn't mind. I'd do just about anything to get out of this conversation, but we already said we'd talk about it. No going back now.

Big Red
"Alrighty then, here goes nothing." I could see they were all on the edge of their seats. "So, we were playing video games, and EJ started getting bored. He asked Ricky if we were gonna talk about how the day went. Me, getting a little impatient, asked him about the kiss. I told him he looked miserable while it was happening, but he just denied it." I saw Nini nudge Kourtney's shoulder.

"What was that for?" EJ asked the two. Even though neither one of us wanted to speak, I appreciated how he got a little attention off of me.

"What was what?" Nini asked. She looked around, all eyes were now on her and Kourtney.

"Why'd you hit her shoulder?" Carlos asked. I think this kid could be a professional interrogator. He loves getting answers.

"Nothing, I was just right," Nini said like it literally was nothing.

"And what were you right about exactly?" Seb pushed.

"Earlier, I said how Ricky looked like he'd rather be anywhere other than her side. That's it. Now, back to Big Red." And with that, all eyes back on me.

"Ok, then, he denied the fact he didn't look happy. My next question was about their first date."

"Ricky, what'd you do for your first date with her?" I asked. I'm not the type to gossip, but I'm surprised Ricky has been keeping this a secret for so long.

"Why do you care?" He was annoyed by us pressing on with the matter.

"Because we're your best friends. This is a pretty big thing to keep from your best friends," EJ pleaded.

"Ok, well I took her to the garden to have a picnic. Not where there's a view of the city, but on the other side of the park. You know, at the back?"

"Haven't you taken Nini there?" I asked him. I remember Nini saying how much she loved it.

"Yeah," Ricky mumbled out. He was either ashamed, embarrassed, or both. He dropped his head messing with a controller, even though the game was paused. "Are we done here?" He asked, wanting to change the subject.
*End of Flashback*

"I'm sorry," I saw Big Red mouth at me.

"It's fine," I said quickly. I wanted to scream, right then and there. But, I didn't. I could feel Kourtney, Gina, and Ashlyn all put one of their hands on my shoulders.

Remain calm, remain calm, remain calm.

I can get through this. This is what I wanted, answers. I'll just scream later when it's the four of us.

I was ready to punch a wall. How dare he take her to a place where they had one of Nini's favorite dates?! I could see Nini was tensing up at Big Red's words. I also knew she was fighting hard to keep from tearing up everything in Ashlyn's house. Once everyone leaves, we were in for an earful.


Sorry for all the filler chapters

I'm thinking of also starting a one-shot book along with my upcoming Jolivia book. So much stuff at once

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