(26) Week One

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From here on out, there's a high chance I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to anything hospital related. Just a warning in case some things seem unrealistic or overdramatic.


It's been a full week. There's been no change. I become more worried every second. I saw an oxygen tube and panicked. Dr. Harris just said it was just a precautionary measure. That still didn't help with the anxiety rising. I sat next to him again and held his hand.

"We think Jessica did this to you. I don't know why, but your dad told us he doesn't think you enjoy being around her. That it doesn't look 'natural'." I find myself talking to his lifeless looking body. The only thing that's changed is his face looks paler.

"I hope we can figure out who's done this. Gina and EJ both say they'll make them pay. Those two can be a little scary sometimes," I say with a small laugh. While he can't respond, it still feels good to "talk" to him.

"You really need to wake up. Not just so we can talk about what happened before you fainted, but I really need to see your eyes open. I know right now you're doing fine; the doctors and nurses say so. But I can't bring myself to believe them until you can leave this room." I give his hand one last squeeze then leave.

*Nini's House*
"Hey honey, how was Ricky?" Mama D asks.

"His face is paler, but, other than that, no different," I respond.

"Well, Ricky's a fighter. He'll get through this," Mama C says, coming into the living room.

"I know, but I want to see him outside of a hospital bed," I say sadly.

"Everything will be fine. We have to head out now."

"Where are you going?" I ask, turning around as they're heading for the door.

"Business meeting, groceries, and visiting Lola. You'll be ok alone, right?" Mama C asks me.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Probably just invite friends over."

"Ok, see you later tonight." Once they shut the door, I text the group to come to my house. Somehow, they're all here in a matter of minutes.

"How did you guys get here so fast?" I ask as they pile in.

"Well, I figured you had more tea. I was NOT going to miss out this time," Carlos said finding himself a spot on my couch.

"Yeah, I forgot to mention this when the girls ambushed me."

"What did you guys do without us?" Seb asked looking around.

"We may have hidden in her closet until Kourtney made her confess," Gina says.

"Great, that's great. Now get on with the new info," Carlos said. He already managed to get a bowl of popcorn.

"When'd you get that?" I ask, pointing to the bowl.

"Must be prepared for anything. Now SPILL!!" You could see the impatience growing in his eyes.

"Ok." I began pacing around. "So, I was visiting Ricky again. His phone kept going off, so I picked it up to turn the ringer off. When I did, this happened." I pulled out my phone and showed them the picture I took of his texts from Jessica.

"That's it; we're killing her!" Gina said standing up.

"We can't do that, remember?" Ashlyn said, making Gina sit back down.

"But, what's she gonna do if he doesn't text back?" Big Red questioned.

"And why is she so clingy?" Kourtney said, annoyed.

"That's why I was unsure if we should tell her or not," I confessed.

"I still say no. Who knows what she could do to him while he's out cold," EJ says.

"Yeah, if she does anything we'll be there to help him," Seb says.

"I love you guys," I say sitting down.

"What now?" Carlos asks.

"We keep her away from Ricky," Ashlyn said.

"We still don't have proof she did this," I said.

"We know she clearly has reasons," Gina added.

"Another group hangout wouldn't work. Not without Ricky at least," EJ added.

"Ok, so we don't tell her and pray she doesn't do anything if she doesn't get a response from him?" Kourtney asks us all.

"Yeah, let's see how this ends."


I'm sorry that this was so short. The next few chapters will also, unfortunately, be quite short.

In other news, 6000 reads!! Check out the Nonsense chapter if you haven't already🥳🥳

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