(17) An Explanation

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I can't believe I first posted this chapter and forgot the character picture🤦‍♀️


"Ok, Nini spill about what happened in the bathroom," Gina asks, hugely interested. The four of us all rode with Kourtney to my house so I can talk about what went down in the bathroom. I stand up and start pacing around.

"As I'm walking to the sink, Jessica barges in and accuses me of trying to steal Ricky from her! Not only that, but she demands I stay away from him!" I knew she was crazy before, this just confirms it.

"Why would she think that?" Ashlyn asks.

"Because she thinks it was planned out that I would sing with him. She's lost it." I look around at them and they're just looking at each other. "What is it? Why do you guys look guilty?"

"Remember when you said I should explain why I wanted you to sing with Ricky?" Kourtney asks looking at the ground.

"Yes," I said slowly.

"Well, that was the part of tonight you didn't know about. So, technically it was planned for you and Ricky to sing together. But she can't accuse you of planning on singing with him because you didn't know it was going to happen." Kourtney finished talking and I just looked at Ashlyn and Gina. They were nodding their heads.

"Ok, so her accusing me of planning on singing with Ricky is true and false?"

"Yeah," Gina said.

"I mean, you looked like you enjoyed it," Ashlyn said while smirking.

"What are you talking about?" I asked sitting back down.

"Oh, don't pretend. We're not Jessica, you don't have to lie to us." Kourtney said. They were all smiling and staring at me.

"Fine, I didn't hate it." They all squealed. "But, why didn't you tell me what was happening?"

"We knew you wouldn't have gone with it if you knew." Gina wasn't wrong.

"Also, the sparkle in your eyes during that staring contest was clearly visible," Kourtney said, making me laugh and smile.

"I think you guys have also lost your minds." I rolled my eyes.

"It's getting late, do you think your moms would mind if we just stay here?" Ashlyn asked yawning.

"No, it'll be fine. One of you can sleep with me and the other two can sleep on the mattress on the floor," I said.

"Great, I'm beat," Kourtney said while getting up.

"Wait, who gets the bed?" Gina said, blocking her.

"Sleeping on the floor is uncomfortable," Kourtney protested.

"Rock, paper, scissors, winner gets the bed," Ashlyn said looking at them.

"Ok, deal." They played... Gina won.

"Ha, see you suckers," Gina said, starting toward the bathroom to change.

"I'm with her." Ashlyn bolted too.

"Night Nini." And Kourtney was the last to leave.

I sat and stared at the ceiling for what felt like forever. How was I not tired? My phone started buzzing, so I picked it up to turn it off. But when I looked at the screen, I couldn't help but smile.

 But when I looked at the screen, I couldn't help but smile

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