(29) This is all Your Fault

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I'm gonna say this here for those who don't read my Nonsense book



"RICKY!!!" I screamed. Tears started filling my eyes. I couldn't move; I was frozen in place and staring at him. His eyes weren't open, but he was clearly struggling to breathe. EJ ran to the wall and hit the button to call a nurse. She came in and immediately ran back out to find Dr. Harris. He came in and ran to his side.

"Ricky, can you hear me?!" He shouts. Ricky is unresponsive. Dr. Harris yells to the nurse to go get more people. Ricky's knuckles were turning white from squeezing the blanket so tight. His other hand was balling up the part of his shirt over his chest in his fist. I could see veins showing on his neck from strain.

"Kids, you need to move out of the way," he told us, and we moved. Ricky was pushed away into another room, still holding tightly onto his chest.

"I'm calling his dad," Big Red said, and he stepped out into the hall.

"Look at what you've done," Jessica said. I can't believe she dared to talk let alone still be here.

"What I did?! What I did!!?!" I was screaming in her face, not caring who heard me. "You and your shitty personality pushed me into whatever the hell that thing was!! If anything, this is all your fault!!!"

"If Ricky doesn't come back in this room alive, you'll regret everything you've ever done," EJ said with the harshest death glare I've ever seen.

"I'm leaving; you people are crazy!!" She finally left, slamming the door.

"I never thought she'd leave," Carlos said, sliding down the wall. I collapsed onto the floor, crying. I couldn't believe what I just saw.

"I called his dad. He'll be here soon," Big Red said, coming back in.

"Nini, are you ok?" Kourtney said, putting her hand on my back.

"What do you think?" I was sobbing with my head in my hands.

"She'll regret ever coming into his life. I'll make sure of it," Gina said, sitting next to me.

"I'm with you on that," EJ said, slamming a fist on the wall.

"Ok, I'm here! What happened?!" Mike walked in with a frantic look on his face.

"How did you get here so fast?" Ashlyn asked him.

"Not important right now. Where's Ricky?!" he said, noticing the bed was gone.

"Jessica pushed Nini into something. It started beeping, and a bunch of people came in and took him away," Seb explained.

"Jessica?! Here!? How'd she find him?"

"S- She followed me one day w- without me kn- knowing," I say, still sobbing.

"Were there cameras that caught it?" he asked looking at the ceiling.

"No, but we're all eyewitnesses," Gina said, still next to me.

"She also admitted to drugging Ricky. She told me before the rest of them got here." I still had plenty of tears rolling down my cheeks.

"How is he?" Mike asked. I hadn't noticed the doctor came back into the room.

"His heart momentarily stopped, but he's ok for now." I'm pretty sure my own heart stopped at those words.

"What do you mean 'for now'?" his dad asked.

"He now has to be on life support. He'll be back in this room tomorrow. I'm so very sorry, and I'll give you space," Dr. Harris said. He slowly shut the door, and I could see everyone was teary-eyed.

"This can't be happening," I whispered to myself.

"It wouldn't have happened if she wasn't such a bitch," Carlos said.

"Maybe we should just go home now. The doctor said he won't be back in here until tomorrow," Ashlyn suggested.

"Yeah, you're right," I say. I start standing up, and my legs feel like jelly. I didn't realize how long I'd been on the floor.

*Nini's House*
"Hey, Nini. Is Ricky any better?" Mama C asked from the kitchen.

"No, he's gotten worse," I say, sitting on a stool at the table.

"How- what's happened to you?" she asks, turning around. She probably noticed my tear-stained face.

"He's gotten so much worse." I started sobbing again.

"What'd the doctor say?" I heard Mama D coming from the other room.

"It wasn't the doctor. His 'girlfriend' did something to him."

"Are you ready to tell us?" They were both hugging me at this point as I continued to cry. I didn't think I had any tears left, but here I am.

"Yeah. We obviously don't trust her. She admitted to me today, I don't think she meant to say it, that she's the one who drugged him. She's the reason he's in the hospital."

"I knew she was no good," I hear Mama D whisper behind me.

"Not only that but one day she followed me to the hospital. That's how she found out he was there. When she showed up today, I blocked her from getting to Ricky. That's when she stupidly confessed her actions. Then everyone else showed up and helped me block her path. She started walking towards Ricky, and I tried to stop her. She pushed me into something, and it started beeping. Ricky's eyes didn't open, but he started gasping for air. A bunch of people then came in and took him to another room. When Dr. Harris came back, he said Ricky now needed life support."

"Are they allowing visitors tomorrow?" Mama C asked me.

"I think so. Dr. Harris said he'll be back in his original room tomorrow."

"Would you like us to come with you?"

"Yeah, that'd be great."

"Now, I don't know if this is the right time, but how did they allow ten teenagers to be in there at once?" Mama D asked, trying to cheer me up.

"I don't know. That's what I first thought when I saw them all in the doorway." I laughed a little, remembering all their faces in the small opening.

"We'll let you get some sleep, then go see him tomorrow," Mama D said.

"Wait, before you go take this up to your room." Mama C handed me a plate of food.

"Ok, thank you." I hugged them both then forced my exhausted self up the stairs.

I get up to my room and sit there in silence. My mind was racing with the worst possible scenarios. I didn't want to think about what would happen if he doesn't wake up within the next week. I finished eating and got my songwriting book out along with my keyboard. I couldn't think of what to write, so I played random chords until something came to me. Eventually, I put a little something together. Of course, it has to do with Ricky. I couldn't take my mind off of him.


Warning for future chapters: if anything having to do with the hospital doesn't make sense, remember it's all for the story

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