(33) Secrets

803 22 14

I don't remember where I saw this, but I love it


3rd POV
"It's just what? That the girl I claimed not to know is actually my girlfriend. That I 'lost my memory'. That I made you uncomfortable when I said we were dating, which I'm sorry if I did by the way."

Nini looks at him with pure shock. "How did... You... What?!" she says with confusion written all over her face.

She didn't know what to think. He was faking? I'm so lost.

"I knew the entire time, but please don't tell anyone," Ricky begs.

"Wait, I'm confused. So you remember everything?"

Ricky nods his head. "From that night in your room when I was a complete idiot to now."

"But why did you fake it?"

He rubs the back of his neck and sighs before answering. "I need some time to sort things out. As strange as it may sound, faking memory loss seemed to be the best way to stall. I am sorry if I put you in a weird place though."

"No, you didn't. Well... maybe at first. But I am kinda glad you remember everything though."

"Me too. It means I can say I'm looking at the love of my life without hesitation," he says, smiling at her. There was a faint pink appearing on her face.

"I love you, Bubs."

"I love you, Nins."

He tries to pull her into a hug, but Nini doesn't let him. "I don't wanna hit... anything," she says, referring to the machines around him.

"It'll be fine. Please," he whines like a baby.

"You're a baby, you know that?"

He fakes offense. "Rude!"

"Ugh... fine," she caves.

*Five Minutes of Hugging Later*
"I love you, and I'm sorry," Ricky says when they pull away.

"I love you and stop apologizing."

That's when he remembers something else. "Thank you for coming every day."

Nini looks at him confused. "What do you mean?"

"For visiting. You didn't have to."

She raises a brow. "You knew about that?"

He grins before speaking. "You know the kind of coma where you can hear everything around you but can't speak?"

Nini laughs and looks at the ground to hide her blushing. "So you really were ok when I thought you were dead?"

"Yeah, you were how I was telling time. When you showed up, I knew it was the next day. Also, I wasn't dead, just couldn't wake up."

"That's what I've been telling Carlos!"

They laugh for a second before a pleasant silence falls over them. "So she's really that sadistic," Ricky mutters.

"What?" Nini asks, looking back at him.

"Jessica went through all this just so I couldn't talk to you. And don't worry, we don't have to talk about karaoke night."

"It's crazy, you know? How that night was like... three weeks ago."

Ricky squeezes her hand a little tighter. "I'm scared, Nini. I'm really scared."

Nini looks at him sympathetically. "Don't worry, Bubs. We're gonna get through this."

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