(15) Surprise

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Can't wait to see what they've planned, it can't end well. Let's see how this plays out.

EJ is supposed to come by the airport and pick me up. Big Red texted saying they're going to 'get me out of my slump'. I'm standing outside of the airport looking for EJ's car.

"Hey, you ready for what we have planned?" EJ says with a big smile on his face.

"I guess, why don't you just tell me?" I asked, getting in.

"Where would the fun in that be?"

"Fine, is everyone coming?"

"Yeah, and we were thinking. Maybe, just maybe, you could invite Jessica?" I looked at him as if he just grew ten more heads.

"Uh, sure. Why?"

"So the rest of us can get to know her better. You kept this from us for a month you know." That's true. If this was their surprise to make me feel better, it isn't working.

"Sure, was this what Big Red was talking about when he mentioned a surprise?"

"Yeah, I'll text the group to see if we should tell you yet. Go ahead and ask her though," he said as I got out of the car.

"Ok, see you later." I was beyond confused.

I called Gina to see if we should tell him yet.

"Hey, do you think he should know what we're doing? Not the whole thing, just what we're doing tonight?" I asked her.

"Sure, it shouldn't hurt. Of course, don't mention every detail. Did he say if Jessica was coming or not?"

"He said he'll ask, no answer yet."

"We'll still go through with tonight even if she says no."

"Ok, I'll text you when he has an answer."

"Ok, Ricky is going to ask Jessica if she wants to come with us tonight," I tell everyone. We are currently in Big Red's basement discussing what's happening tonight.

"Great, was he suspicious of EJ?" Kourtney asked.


"Who wants to come upstairs and help me get some drinks?" Ashlyn asked while standing up.

"I'll go, I think my foot's asleep," Kourtney said while stomping her foot on the ground.

"Nini doesn't know about her part, right?" Ashlyn whispered to me as we were pulling sodas from the fridge.

"Nope, it'll be a surprise for both of them," I said excitedly.

"Great, the side operation is ready." Did Gina drug us with something? I think the spy thing is going to our heads.

"She won't be mad, right?"

"She'll love us forever if this works." I knew she was right.


"We're coming!!" Ashlyn screams, not quite as loud as Carlos though.


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This is going to be one hell of a night

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This is going to be one hell of a night.

Big Red
*Fifteen Minutes Later*
"Hey, Ricky and Jessica are here!" Carlos yells, waving them over.

"Hey, guys. This is a pretty chill surprise. I'm just happy it was nothing crazy," Ricky said while sitting down next to me and Jessica.

'Oh just you wait,' I thought.

We sat there eating for a while listening to the not so great music when it was time to get the ball rolling.

"Bro, why don't you sing something?" I asked while pushing Ricky's shoulder.

"I don't know, I really only sing for myself."

"True, but you use it as a way to calm down. Besides, we're right here if you need us."

"I'll give it a shot." Yes, he agreed. Step one: complete.

"Would anyone like to join Ricky? He said he'd sing something," I asked looking at Kourtney.

"I would, but I have stage fright," Jessica interjected before Kourtney could speak.

"I think Nini would love to," Kourtney said. Nini's head spun around faster than Carlos's when he hears there's drama.

"What?" I spoke quietly and quickly. I gave Kourtney a death glare. Nobody told me this.

"Come on, I think you'll love it." I was not about to cause a scene in front of everyone.

"Fine," I said through gritted teeth. I looked at Kourtney and mouthed 'You're dead.'

"Actually, I want to sing with Ricky," Jessica said, starting to stand up.

"But Nini already agreed," Gina chimed in.

"But she didn't want to. Don't worry Nini, I'll go up for you." I was slowly losing it.

"But what about your stage fright?" Ricky asked, concerned. He was always caring about everyone, even if that someone was ridiculously annoying.

"You only live once, right?" she said with a fake smile.

We saw the guy running the karaoke event go up on stage. "Ok, up next we have Ricky and uh..."

"It's Nini!!" Kourtney yelled as she was pushing Ricky and me onto the stage.

"Don't worry, you guys will do great. I already picked the song," Ashlyn said as Ricky and I were walking on stage.

"What song is it?" I asked. Two microphones were shoved into our hands.

"No going back now," I said to myself.

Side operation of rekindling the flame is a go!


First chapter that's given me writers' block

I wonder what a certain someone thinks of this whole side operation...🤔

Also, I have rant and Joliva books

I've been so slammed with school work. Anyone else drowning in it?

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