(23) We Need a Plan

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When you're more focused on your story than homework😅

A few things before we start: one, I still need one-shot ideas. And two, thank you for 5000 reads on Sunday🥳

You can check out my Nonsense chapter (5,000) if you haven't already for a celebratory nostalgic video😁


I woke up and went straight to the hospital. I opened the door to Ricky's room and saw he was no different. Mr. Bowen was already there and left a few minutes after I got there. I was sitting in the chair next to him, holding his hand, until Gina called.

(Gina | Nini)

"Hey, since you're at the hospital, how's Ricky?"

"How'd you know I was here?"

"Do I really need to explain?"

"No, and he hasn't changed."

"I swear to god if Jessica did this; the last thing she'll see is my fist."

"We still need proof, remember? We can't go banging on her front door demanding if she drugged Ricky or not."

"I know; that's why I think we should at least tell his dad."

"But him being an adult is likely to tell someone."

"But Jessica is looking for Ricky. What if she goes to his door and his dad tells her about him being in the hospital? It could ruin everything!"

"Fine, we'll tell him later. He'll probably think we're crazy."

"I have a way to increase our chances of him believing us."

"We're not kidnapping Jessica and forcing it out of her."

"Not my first thought, but I'll keep that in mind. I was thinking you should tell him."

"I can barely talk about Ricky in this state without crying. What makes you think I can tell his dad and have him take me seriously?"

"Because you've known him longer than all of us. Plus, you're like the daughter he never had."

"You're not gonna let me say 'no', are you?"


"Ok, I'll tell him."

"Yes!" (shouts away from the phone) "She said yes!!"

"Is everyone with you?"

(Big Red) "Yes, we're all here. If you hadn't said 'yes', I would've been the one to speak."

"I'm heading to Ricky's."

Before I left, I took one last look at him. If he doesn't wake up today, he's in a coma. I quickly pushed that thought out of my head. I will see him with his eyes open today... I hope.

I arrived at Ricky's house and knocked a few times on the door. No answer. Of course, he's at work until later. I turn around to leave, but not before seeing Jessica.

"What are you doing here?" she asked with anger.

"Looking for Ricky," I lie.

"Why do you need to see him? Oh that's right, you're trying to steal him from me!" she accused. I was fighting hard not to slap her right then and there.

"I'm not having this conversation again," I said staying calm.

"You know, I think you're the reason he's been ignoring me!"

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