(14) How To Get Ricky Back

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OMG... A New Friend hit 2000 reads August 1...


I can't thank everyone enough. I started this for fun because I had a storyline idea, and I can't believe how far it's come

This next sentence was written 5 minutes before I uploaded this part: A New Friend is now at 2284 reads... 🤯


I went up to my room, not knowing what to do next. I didn't even bother getting in bed. I just sat on the floor next to it. I don't know how to feel. Most of my current emotions are anger, jealousy, and something else.

"Nini, you wanna talk?" I heard Gina say from the other side of the door. I don't know what I'd do without them.

"Yeah, sure."

"I don't know, it's like Jessica has him under some spell," I hear Ashlyn say. I wasn't crying yet, but I had my head in my hands and didn't want to look up.

"It's really suspicious. She doesn't seem like his type," Kourtney says.

"How would you know what his type is?" I ask her.

"Because his type is sitting right in front of us." I looked up and laughed.

"What's so funny?" Gina asked.

"If I'm his type, why'd we break up?" Silence. "Exactly," I said, a little more harsh than intended.

"I have an idea," Gina starts, "But we might want to go back downstairs. I want everyone in on it."

"What is it?" I asked worriedly.

"You'll see." We start to head back downstairs.

"You ok?" Seb asked, walking towards me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Gina says she has some plan."

"Ok, then let's hear it," Carlos said with enthusiasm.

"EJ, Big Red, Ricky tells you everything, right?" She starts.

"Yeah, except for Jessica," Big Red said with sadness.

"Well, what if we spy on their next date?" Gina was very enthusiastic about this.

"Uh, what's the point?" I ask.

"We all saw how miserable Ricky looked at the fair, so let's see what happens when it's just the two of them. Why not? What's the worst that could happen?" We all looked at her like she was crazy.

"Oh, nothing bad. Just Ricky would hate us for the rest of his life!" EJ counters.

"Isn't he already mad because of how we want to know more about Jessica?" Big Red asks EJ.

"You do have a point." EJ put his hand on his chin as if he were thinking.

"So it's settled, Big Red and EJ will find out what they're doing on their next date, we all spy on them. Everyone in?"

"I guess," Big Red and EJ said at the same time. It can be freaky to be around them.

"Ok, I'm in." Seb was walking toward Gina.

"Girl, I don't know what you had to drink, but sure, why not?" Carlos was in. I, on the other hand, was a little hesitant.

"You sure we should be doing this?" I asked them.

"Nope," Ashlyn said as she joined in on this 'fantastic' idea. "What do we have to lose?" she asked us all.

"Ok, fine. Only because I just want to know more about Jessica." Kourtney was walking to where Gina was standing. "Nini?" she begged while holding out her hand.

"You're not gonna let me say 'no' are you?" I looked at each of them. They all shook their heads.

"Fine." I gave in. "When does Ricky get back?"

"Tomorrow around 10," EJ answered.

"'Operation: Bust Jessica' is a go!" Gina was way into the whole spy thing.

Day two wasn't as entertaining as day one. Tomorrow I'd have to face reality. I sat in bed all day, watched Netflix, and scrolled through pictures of Nini and me. I called Big Red earlier to ask what he thought about Jessica. I figured over the phone would make it easier to avoid any unwanted questions. But when he picked up he was at Nini's place. They are definitely planning something.

I wrote, maybe... six-ish songs about Nini today. I know I have a girlfriend, but I didn't know what else to do with my day.

Will I ever sing them to her? One day. Just not anytime soon.

What is wrong with my life? Don't answer that


I promise the next few chapters will have something more to them

Gina can be scary
What do you think will happen?

In other news, I have a rant and Jolivia book

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