Chapter 18: The Announcement

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"So how are we going to tell people?" I asked Severus.

We were sitting in my office together for a while, avoiding the harboring question. I stirred my tea mindlessly as I rested my head on my hand. I didn't want to tell Harry considering how much he hated Severus. That wouldn't be pretty. However, I knew I had to tell them since they were my family. Remus' reaction would prove to be rather interesting.

"Do we really have to?" Severus asked, looking through my bookshelf.

"People will find out sooner or later and I want my friends to know. Especially my godsons," I contradicted. I knew Severus hated attention but I refused to keep unneeded secrets from the people that I loved. We didn't have to be a public relationship.

Severus sighed, pulling out a book as he read it. He mumbled, "I suppose telling the Weasleys, Potter and Draco won't prove to be a problem. I imagine you already told Rose, Amber and Narcissa already so confirming it wouldn't hurt anyone."

I clapped my thanks victoriously as I squealed, "Oh, thank you, Severus!"

He looked up at me fondly. "Anything to see that smile of yours."

"How sweet," I chuckled. "Remus' reaction will be fun but I'm pretty sure John and Clyde will be okay with it. I think the only real problem is Harry."

"What about Percy? You seem to be fairly close to him," He pointed out, flipping the page. "Can I borrow this?"

"Sure but I kind of already told Percy," I admitted, wincing. He was walking down the hall and I knew he wouldn't really care so I finished off with one person on our list.

Severus peered up as he growled, "Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry. It is just Percy, he won't tell," I replied. Severus nodded slowly, I think he liked Percy the most from the entire Weasley family just because he followed the rules. "I hope Harry will come around. We just met and I wouldn't want anything to harm our relationship."

"You won't," Severus reassured. He closed the book and walked up to me, leaning against my desk in front of me.

"Severus, what if he stops talking to me?" I asked nervously.

He smiled running his fingers through my hair as he whispered, "Everything will be fine. If Potter cares for you as much as I see he does, he will get over it eventually. However, if Lockhart bothers you -"

"It's alright," I cooed, taking his hand in mine. "He is in our past now. Do you want to be with me when I tell the kids?"

"I'll pass," He answered, his face instantly falling at the thought.

"Alright, stay here. I'll talk to them in my classroom," I laughed. I went the the Grand Hall and first went to Slytherin table to tell Draco to come to my classroom in ten minutes. Then I went to the Gryfindor table and invited them to come in twenty minutes.

I entered my classroom to see Severus there, looking at the textbooks piled up on one desk. He looked up at me and said, "How did it go?"

"Draco should be here in five minutes," I answered. "Have you changed your mind?"

"Not likely I -"

"Hello Professors," Draco wished from behind us.

He was certainly early. Severus didn't bother leaving since he didn't mind Draco. He slowly placed the textbook down, staring at the little blonde boy. I smiled warmly before saying, "There's something I need to tell you and I'm sure how you will take it. It's not bad news, depending on how you take it."

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