Chapter 19: Innocence

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A quick note before you start reading, Stacey will be saying some spells that she learnt from the Ring family book from this point on in the story. These spells are in Latin. I used Google translate so if it is wrong, don't get mad at me. Thank you xx


Harry hadn't spoken to me for a while after I told him about Severus. I never imagined how angry he probably was. Everyone that we had told had accepted it by now except for him. Questioning him or pestering him to approve would only make matters worse so I decided to leave it alone. Severus did give him a hard time so I didn't blame him for being upset.

Remus wasn't pleased at all because of the Mark incident. However, after some convincing he began to warm up to the idea and admitted that he was pleased that Severus and I found love. Clyde insisted that he had to have a chat with him because Severus was dating his fiancee but all jokes aside, he was happy for us. As for John, Amber, Rose, Narcissa, Molly and Arthur they took it pretty well. They supported our relationship and were exceptionally excited for us. Rose, of course, asked the same question she asked me every time I got a boyfriend. She wanted to know if Severus and I were going to have kids soon. I told her we wouldn't because I had developed a new rule of no sex until marriage and Severus and I weren't planing on getting married anytime soon.

I was sitting at my desk since I had a free period now. I flipped through the scarpbook Remus gave me, tracing the pictures of my parents and I fondly. I really wanted them back. The person who said time heals the wounds lied. It had been over 10 years and the pain still felt the same.

Closing the book, I finally got a good glimpse of my messy desk. I decided to clean it up, putting some books aside and throwing out parchment. I came across a folder that belonged to Severus which had today's date written on it. I opened it to see that there were marked tests inside. He had forgotten it here last night when we were marking together. Looking at the time I saw that this was for his current class so I went over to him.

I reached his door just in time to hear him humiliate Neville Longbottom in front of the entire class. As much as I loved Severus I hated how he would bully the students who weren't in his house, especially Neville. I walked inside during his rant and cleared my throat to catch his attention. He turned to face me along with his entire class. When Neville saw me he suddenly looked relieved. I had cut his torment short.

"Hello Neville, how are you?" I wished kindly. I glanced down at the potion he was making that Severus was just complaining about. It was done terribly but a teacher's job was to help them improve it, not tare them down. I remembered this potion and I knew what Neville would need to fix it. Now I just had to tell him.

"F-fine Professor Ringe, thank you," He wished. Neville caught my staring at his potion and turned redder than before. "Sorry my potion is so horrible."

"It's fine. Everyone makes mistakes and has their weak points. You aren't alone," I reassured, touching his back gently.

"But you can't be worse than me in anything. I can't do anything right." He grumbled, absolutely crushed.

"He's got that right!" A Slytherin joked, causing the others in his house to burst out laughing.

I shot them a stern look and they stopped laughing immediately. If it was my class, I'd deduct points. I had no tolerance for bullies. Turning my attention to Neville I stated, "I heard that you're fabulous in Herbology, Neville. That's your strong point and you must be proud of that. I was horrid at Quidditch. I always scored in my own goal."

Neville chuckled along with the other students. He looked less beaten up. Now, I faced Severus, raising my eyebrows in disappointment. Severus stared right back at me as he asked, "How may I help you, Professor?"

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