Chapter 8: Don't Die On Me

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I remembered all the nightmares I had to face throughout my life. They came to me that night; all the sorrow, the desolation, the vexation. I was tossing and turning before everything stopped and the night became dark and cold. 

The next morning I merely awoke because of a throbbing and stabbing pain in my head. Opening my eyes, everything seemed to be hazy and doubled. When the room finally stopped spinning I became aware of my surroundings. I was on to floor as my hair remained plastered onto my head. I reached up to touch it feeling it wet. Bringing my hands back in front I noticed that they were now soaked in blood. 

I groaned, dragging myself back up to sit on my bed. As soon as I saw the smashed bottles I remembered last night but more importantly the words that tormented me: You killed him.

To my good luck, it was Saturday so I wouldn't be bothered. Curious as to what happened to me I looked around the room for any sign. But I didn't have to look too far because my night stand had blood on one corner. I probably hit my head on it last night when I fell off my bed. 

Dragging myself off the bed, I snatched a towel before trudging into the washroom. With a quick glance in the mirror I shuddered at my own appearance. I was still in yesterday's clothes, my face swollen and eyes red. I should really go to Madame Pomfery considering how much blood I lost. But being me, I gained every ouce of strength I had left and dragged myself into the shower.

It made me feel slightly better. My body felt relaxed. I stepped out and got dressed but that was all I could manage before the adrenaline wore off. I hadn't felt this defeated in such a long time. I took another step but I collapsed blacking out. 

General P.O.V

It was noon now and nobody had seen Stacey yet. Many people were worried but no one as worried as Severus. The guilt coursed through his veins as he recalled their fight last night. Severus knew what she said was out of line but the things he said? 10 years ago the incident almost killed her. 

As he walked down the halls he spotted Harry, Hermione and Ron walking towards him. He stopped in front of them, to their great disappointment, and asked, "Potter, have you seen Professor Ringe today?"

"No, we haven't. We were about to go looking for her around the school grounds since she is usually taking a walk," He replied briefly, before they walked around Severus. 

Something in Severus told him that she wasn't taking a walk. He felt like before anything, he should check her office. So he took off, trying not to run. Her classroom door was opened so he walked in but didn't find her there. Severus made his way to her office next but the door was locked.

Severus knocked on it calling, "Stacey? Open this door."

But there was no reply. He pulled out his wand so he could unlock it on his own. Once Severus pushed the door opened he found that her office was empty. He walked over to the next door that led to her bedroom. Severus knocked again and again but she didn't open it. 

"STACEY!! Please, open the door. I said things I shouldn't have ... Just open the door," He tried to coax. 

Severus banged the door now. When there still was no answer he felt his stomach clench. She would not have ignored him like this. Instead, Stacey would have probably opened the door and started yelling at him. He didn't even care if she opened the door just curse at him, he just wanted to see her and know that she was alright. 

A horrid feeling struck Severus so he pointed his wand at the doorknob and mumbled, "Alohamora,"

The door slowly creaked open and revealed an image that stopped his heart. There was a pool of blood near her bed and on her dresser. In the other corner of her room was the potion, smashed to bits and dried. Severus held his wand up as he spotted the washroom door, barely opened. He recollected all possible courage as he walked towards it. The scent of blood hung from the air.

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