Chapter 22: Malfoy Manor

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The Hogwarts Express was getting ready to leave the station after another memorable year. All the children were getting onto the train after finishing any last minute goodbyes to their professors. I couldn't believe so many things had happened throughout the school year. However, amidst all the terrible incidents, I was glad that Remus was granted some inspiring news about being a teacher next year at Hogwarts. 

Severus and I weaved our way through the crowd of children towards our own compartment only to find Draco waiting in front of the door for us with his friends lingering just a few feet behind him. I pushed my bag up a bit higher on my shoulder as I said, "Hello Draco, what brings you here?"

"I got the owl last night from my mother and didn't see you till now. She wanted you to know that you could come to our manor with us today once we all reach the platform," Draco answered. 

I was more than disappointed about the arrangement. I knew that it was Lucius' doing because Narcissa would have listened to my request about not having Draco around for the confrontation. However, I knew that if I denied the offer now, the next time I came over Lucius would make sure that Draco was there again. 

"Thank you, Draco," I answered. "Go on now and find yourself a compartment with your friends before they all fill up. I will see you soon."

My painted smile remained on my lips until Draco vanished from the halls. When he was gone, I irritably flung my head back and angrily pushed the compartment door open as I groaned, "Lucius is probably the most irritating, self-absorbed git I have ever met."

"What's wrong?" Severus asked, following me inside. 

Throwing my bag onto the seat, I collapsed onto the soft material and said, "A week or so ago, Harry encountered Lucius at Hogwarts where he set his house elf, Dobby, free. Lucius was infuriated and tried to use the killing curse on Harry but, thankfully, before he could, Dobby deflected it."

Severus' eyebrows began to rise slowly in a growing suspicion as he asked, "That's quite an accusation on Potter's part. Are you positive it's true?" 

"I trust my godson, Severus," I answered.

"Very well but do you truly see it wise to go to the Malfoy Manor? If you and Lucius did not get along before it is highly unlikely that this argument will be productive or end without injury," Severus said. 

"We don't have to fight. I just want to talk. He can't get away with what he did and I won't let him," I argued. 

There was utter disbelief written all over Severus' face as he said, "You are going to fight. Lucius and you can barely discuss the weather without whipping out your wands."

"You want me to just let him get away with trying to kill Harry?" I asked. 

"Yes because you know, as well as I do, that this is going to end up in a fight," He replied. I defiantly folded my arms across my chest as I stared him down. There was some truth to what he said but I wasn't going to back down. There was no excuse possible for what Lucius had tried to do. I suppose my silence told Severus that, no matter what he said, I wasn't going to listen because he said, "I trust you, Stacey, that isn't the problem here. I just don't trust Lucius."

"I know," I sighed, moving from my seat to sit beside him. Taking his hand in mine, I said, "I find your concern truly flattering and I promise to do whatever I can to avoid any fighting, especially in front of Draco. Good?"

Severus smirked down at me before he pressed a soft kiss against my lips. "Yes. Just be safe."

My hand lovingly ran down his cheek as I replied, "When have you ever known me to not be safe?"

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