Chapter 6: Mysteries of the Godmother

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General P.O.V

Hermione, Ron and Harry were sitting in the common room around the fireplace alone. They were taking a break from all of their homework which had piled up in just a span of one month. The teachers seemed rather adamant on keeping them busy this year. Well, to be honest, Ron and Harry's homework was building up since they barely touched it but Hermione's was nearly finished. Their current conversation revolved around Quidditch but the topic later changed to something Harry was still exceedingly curious about. 

"So you hear what happened in second period today in Professor Ringe's class?" Ron asked, changing his position to sit closer to the blazing fire. 

"No, what?" Hermione questioned, unable to contain the excitement in her voice. Harry sat up straight also very interested in what he was about to say.

"Lockhart apparently burst into her room in the middle of class and tried to convince her to go on a date with him!" Ron announced.

Hermione gasped in admiration but Harry, on the other hand, wasn't the least bit impressed. He saw how his godmother tried to avoid Lockhart the first time. His voice came out more bitter than he had planned when he scoffed, "Are you kidding me? Wasn't it just first period he also tried to get her to like him? That was really pathetic."

"Yeah! That's how bloody desperate he is for her!" Ron agreed, throwing his hands up in the air. "Fred and George were in her class so they told me all about it."

"Well I think it is so romantic! I hope she said yes," Hermione squealed. Her hands clasped together as if hoping for her biggest dream to come true.

"Are you mental? Stacey was furious with him for not leaving her class!" Ron explained. He scoffed, slouching back onto the couch. "You're just like my mum, always fawning over everything that guy says and does. What's so great about him anyway? Rather annoying I'd say."

"He honestly is! Remember the pixies?" Harry grumbled. He really hoped that Stacey didn't say yes to Lockhart. Of all the men she could chose from he really didn't want it to be him. "So did she say yes?" 

"Bloody hell no! She agreed to help him with his 'injury' - another one of his options - to shut him up," Ron claimed. He pulled out his wand, rolling it in between his fingers carefully. "I think she should've hexed him. I mean, the woman said no once! Isn't that enough?"

"Nope, I think she like him," Hermione contradicted dreamily. "I can see it now! They'd make a lovely couple!"

"I don't think he is her type, Hermione," Harry admitted slowly. "Professor Ringe actually knows magic and she isn't as egocentric as him. Besides, she sees through his act."

Hermione, on the contrary, didn't seem too keen on listening. She still maintained her hopeful voice as she sighed, "It's definitely possible."

Harry felt she was planning something but he didn't want to know. He refused to let her try to set his godmother up with Lockhart.

"Yeah not likely, Hermione. She looked like she was about to strangle him. I saw," Lee piped in. They all turned around to face the boy, whom they didn't even see standing there. Once he had said what he needed to saw, Lee walked straight upstairs.

"See?" Ron agreed.

"Please Ron, you are just jealous. All the boys are," Hermione commented diligently. She rolled her eyes before blowing some of her hair off her face. "Boys."

"Oh, come on! Me? Jealous?" Ron exclaimed, though his cheeks turned a bright red and he began to fidget in his seat.

"Yes. It is kind of obvious as to why that's the case. She is the youngest teacher and beautiful as ever. All the boys fancy her and it's rather ridiculous, if you ask me," Hermione scolded, folding her hands in her lap.

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