Chapter 14: Trip to Azkaban

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My alarm went off far too early. I had to start getting ready because today was the day Clyde and I were going to Azkaban but I didn't want to get up. I groaned, slamming my alarm quiet.

"Ten more minutes," I murmured to myself.

I had completely forgotten that Clyde was here. He was an early riser just like Remus. However, the difference between the two was that Remus wouldn't wake me up while Clyde would probably come barging in any moment now. That's exactly what he did.

"MORNING FIANCEE!" He screamed. My door flung open, slamming against the wall as he marched inside.

I began to mutter under my breath as I clutched my wand. I slept with my wand underneath my pillow because of the paranoia installed into me since I was young.

"Clyde get out," I grumbled.

"I suggest you leave the room before she makes you regret it," Remus chuckled. I saw him leaning against my doorway as he watched Clyde, wherever he was.

Instead of heeding our warnings, Clyde yanked my covers off me. Irritated, I snatched an extra pillow and flung it at him. He stumbled back chuckling, "Hey, we might have to call off the wedding if you keep hitting me with pillows."

He hadn't stopped talking about our 'wedding' since Christmas. Next, he opened the window allowing the chilly air to flood into my room. I flipped over, burying my face into my pillow, as I whined, "Remus, make him leave."

"Sorry, doll face. I'm not going anywhere. Not get up or we'll be late!" Clyde exclaimed.

When I thought he couldn't be anymore annoying, he put ice down my back. I screeched, now fully awake. I spun around and pointed my wand at him as I screamed, "Aguamenti!!"

A violent stream of water came forth, knocking him over and drenching him in water. Remus burst out in laughter as Clyde fought the gush of water. When I removed the spell, he looked up at me pouting as he grumbled, "Geez, doll face."

"Well that's what you get," I chuckled. I snatched my towel before marching to the washroom and slamming the door behind me.

Once I was done getting ready for the day, I peaked out to make sure the coast was clear. It was. So, I left my room to meet the boys in the kitchen. Remus was dressed unlike Clyde who got the plates out in his pajamas.

"Did you guys eat yet?" I asked.

"No, we were waiting for you," Remus answered.

Clyde on the other hand whistled at me as he teased, "Wow, I love that dress. Could you get any prettier?"

I smiled as I pointed out his own outfit. "Thank you but why aren't you dressed yet? We are leaving right after breakfast."

"Later. I'm too lazy and hungry to do anything now," Clyde replied, as he opened the fridge. "I want an omelet. Anyone else?"

"Yes, me too," Remus agreed. "Stacey?"

"No, I'll stick to my coffee," I replied, as Clyde handed me the eggs.

I helped them make their breakfast as they continued on with their previous conversation. It was about boggarts. I had never spoken about mine and no one had seen it expect for Dumbledore. I did my very best to avoid those creatures at any cost.

"Lupin's boggart is a full moon, which makes sense," Clyde told me.

"And Clyde's is Voldermort," Lupin explained.

Clyde winced at the mention of his name. As tough as he was, he was still afraid of Voldermort's name. Well I think it was a mix of fear and anger because Voldermort killed his sister when we were in Hogwarts.

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