Chapter 11: Dueling Club

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"This is the third time this week I've caught you two snogging in my classroom. For goodness sake, enough! If I catch you one more time you better watch out," I warned two 6th years from Hufflepuff.

"Sorry Professor. It won't happen again. Honest," The boy apologized quickly. Hastily they bolted from my classroom.

Young love. I had to treat them the way my professors treated me when I was their age. I released my book over my desk where it slammed down in a loud thud. Now to work. 

From behind me, someone began to clap. I turned around to see Lockhart leaning against my door frame. He walked in chuckling, "Well done. You can be very feisty when you discipline. It's a good side."

I couldn't help but laugh at the comment. I leaned against my desk and asked, "How can I help you?

Lockhart waved his wand in the air as he explained his reasons for being here, "Well, since the Chamber is reopened Dumbledore let me open a dueling club. Care to be my assistant? I'll go easy on you, don't worry."

Go easy on me? This was coming from a man who tried to heal broken bones and ended up making them all disappear. I didn't say anything rude though. To be honest, I was rather excited about the club. Nodding I answered, "Alright, I will, it sounds like fun. But do me a favor and don't go easy on me."

"Why? You're a lady and I am quite a fantastic dueler," Lockhart contradicted coyly. 

"I think I can handle myself, thanks," I objected smirking. 

Lockhart merely smiled at me. "Very well. It is today after classes."

"I will be there," I promised. 

Lockhart gave me a quick wink before he left my classroom. I had learnt to tolerate him and his flirtatious ways. I was pretty excited for the classes. Lockhart was the only who never babied me because of my injury and I really appreciated that. It had already been a week, anyway, it had to be fine.

Once I entered the room, filled with excited students, Lockhart ran up to me. He seemed nervous as he played with his hands. 

"Darling, look. Severus insists that he would help me instead of you because of you injury," Lockhart informed me.

Typical. I hated that everyone treated me like I was dying. Besides, the last person I wanted pity from at this point was Severus. He had no right to tell me what to do when he had been ignoring me for so long. 

"I'm fine," I snapped. 

"Perhaps he had a point -"

"I said I'm fine! Come on, Lockhart, let me do this!" I urged. 

He pursed his lips before nodding. "Alright, come along."

Lockhart jumped onto the podium as I stood on the opposite stairs, waiting for his little speech to end. My wand was in my hand, more than ready to prove Severus wrong. 

"Hello everyone. Luckily you will be having me as your instructor for the dueling class. No harm with come to you as long as you follow my lead!" Lockhart announced. Dramatically, he threw his cape off himself and into a crowd of screaming girls. "Now let me introduce my assistant: Professor Ringe."

I took two steps before Severus grabbed onto my arm and warned, "Stacey, you can't -"

"Oh look who has decided to talk to me," I snarled, snatching my arm back. The nerve of him! He had been ignoring me for a while now and I was sick and tired of him treating me like this. I wasn't some toy he could just play with for a while and then throw away when he was bored.

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