Chapter 13: Christmas Party

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As soon I reached my apartment, I tossed my bags aside. There was no need for proper etiquette now since I was finally home! I kicked my shoes off to the side and noticed that Remus' shoes weren't there yet. He was probably just running a bit late. I looked around the place before frowning slightly. It didn't have any Christmas spirit so I changed that up. With a quick wave of my wand it was covered with beautiful Christmas decorations. A huge tree was in the living room, decorated with gold and silver decorations. Stockings and wreaths were hung up with a nativity scene in another side of the room. With one wave of my wand it looked like the perfect Christmas house.

Another wave sent my luggage away to unpack itself. I just adored magic since it made my life so much easier. I used it for everything except for cooking. My grandmother taught me that when it came to cooking muggles did it the right way. The only exception was Molly Weasley. She could use magic and her food would still turn out perfectly. Keeping that in mind, I went over to the kitchen to make some lunch for Remus and I. 

With everything prepared, I set myself out for the next task which was preparing gifts. I nestled myself on the floor with everything piled up beside me. I looked over the gifts, happy with the outcomes. I had the newest brooms for both Draco and Harry which Narcissa swore she wouldn't let Lucius buy. I bought Fred and George the ingredients they needed to build their products which were too expensive for them to buy. Hermione and Percy got a collection of the best selling books they had been eyeing in Diagon Alley while Ron got rare Quidditch collectibles. I had Hermione question Ginny as to what she wanted and she admitted to these fantastic earrings she had spotted. Of course, I got her those with the matching necklace. 

I finished wrapping everything, which would be sent later on, before I continued on with lunch. I turned off the stove just in time as Remus exclaimed, "Stacey!"

I ran out of the kitchen and into his arms as I wished him, "Remus! Oh, I've missed you so much!"

"How have you been? You look absolutely amazing," He gushed, looking down at me. "I see you've wrapped the gifts, made lunch and decorated. Aren't you a quick one?"

"Thank you, I've been doing really well. I am like Santa's elves when it comes to this," I chuckled. I sent his luggage off as he removed his jacket to hang aside. "Are you hungry?"

"Exceptionally, everything smells wonderful," Remus complimented. He was the kindest person I had ever met. I could have burnt the food but he would still say that it smelt fantastic. "I'm so excited for the Christmas party."

"So am I!" I agreed, leading him off to the table. "I want to hear all about you and what you've been up to."

As we ate dinner we talked about everything imaginable. 

On Christmas Eve I sent out all the presents. The teachers and just about anyone who wasn't one of Harry's Hogwarts friends had already gotten their gifts from me. As I finished dressing, on Christmas morning, I spotted a picture of Sirius and I when we were younger as he made me laugh. He always did that. I missed him. This was yet another Christmas he had to spend alone in Azkaban. There was so much we had planed before Peter ruined it all ...

With a rather heavy heart, I went outside to find Remus. As soon as he saw me he kissed my cheek chuckling, "Merry Christmas, Stacey!"

"Merry Christmas, Remus!" I laughed. "Let's go open the gifts, shall we?"

We settled down in the living room together as the gift giving began. Due to the fact that Remus was a werewolf it was hard for him to maintain a job. Most people noticed his disappearances and once word got out that he was a werewolf, he had to resign. My gift to him was a solution to that. 

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