Chapter 3: The Nightmare

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The room was dark and cold. Then suddenly a scream filled it, bouncing off the walls and resonating into a piercing siren. The scream was full of agony and distress, as if someone had been placed under the cruciatus curse, or worse. But it only got more gut wrenching when the person began to call my name, over and over again. 

I tried to cover my ears from the screams but they just got louder. Then I realized that this person calling me was a child; a little boy. Knowing I couldn't stand idle while a child was in danger, I darted towards the  direction of the screams. The voice, dare I say, almost seemed familiar. However, as I ran it felt like the room was getting larger, like there was no possible way for me to save this child. 

Then a bright white light invaded the room. The sudden brightness stung my eyes but once I adjusted to the light I saw the blood on the floor. His screams grew louder and more unbearable to listen to. It wailed. I felt my soul ache as I listened. Then I heard the child gasp and collect all his strength for one last call,"MOMMY! HELP ME! HELP ME PLEASE. PLEASE MOMMY."

At the sound of that it felt as if someone was burning me alive. The room got silent and dark again. I was cold and I was alone. I fell to my knees crying. The child's voice was still ringing in my head. I rested my hands on the floor and felt my hands being covered in blood. His blood. Whoever he was. I screamed as the burning feeling returned.

"Stacey! Stacey! Wake up!!"

I felt someone nudging me as I came back to reality.

"What ... what happened?" I whispered weakly. The room suddenly came back into my view and I remembered that I was still on the train to Hogwarts. My entire body ached and my head was pounding. I groaned in annoyance as the dream came back to me. These nightmares were persistent to say the least.

"You were having a nightmare. You were mumbling about having to save someone. What happened?" Severus said, eyeing me with concern.

"I ... Someone was calling me. A child, Severus," I mumbled, sitting up straight again. I ran my fingers through my hair, pushing it back as I regained my calm demeanor.

"What happened to the child?" 

"He ... he called me. I was his mother. I tried to help him but by the time I could find him, he died. My hands, they were covered with blood. His blood ..." I drifted off. "It keeps happening. Another collection to my endless nightmares."

"Do you think it was him?" He pondered, being exceptionally considerate with the question being put forth. 

I shrugged. "Maybe .. Probably."

"Do you want to, um, talk about it some more?" He asked next.

I shook my head laughing. As nice as he was, he was not much of a talker. So to spare him the awkwardness, I declined. But I didn't want to talk about it, anyway. The dream was slowly fading turning into nothing but a memory. I looked at Severus who was now looking out the window and bent over to kiss him on the cheek, in a friendly way of course. 

He looked at me shocked and asked, "What was that for?"

"For being so compassionate with me," I replied.

"Oh that was nothing. You're my friend, of course I would comfort you. I care about you and I will protect you ..." His voice turned hard as he finished the sentence.

"Severus, what's on your mind?"

"Legilimency. If I find out someone is using that on you, I'll -"

I put my hand on his as I said, "Hey, don't worry about that. Dumbledore trained in it when I was just 11 so I could be protected from them. Nobody could have possibly used it on me."

I hoped his anger would settle because when Severus was truly cross it would get ugly. He could say things he didn't mean then it would simply escalate. However, I wasn't afraid of Severus at all, he would never harm me physically.

"Fine," He muttered. He obviously wasn't settled with the issue and would continue to ponder over it, but that was fine. 

I looked out the window and realized that we were almost at Hogwarts. I had to go and get all the students prepared. So I stood up and told Severus, "Okay, I have to go now. Check on the students and everything. I'll see you later."

He looked at me and nodded. I could tell he was still in deep thought. Oh well, better leave him to it. With that, I disappeared out the teacher's compartment.

I walked down the corridors, peeping into every compartment diligently. Almost everyone was ready - thankfully this check up usually never required any effort. Then I heard an annoyed voice coming from behind me. I turned around and shock my head. Of course.

"Malfoy just leave. We are not going to deal with you," Fred's voice called out.

I walked down to the little blonde boy standing outside the door, known as Draco. Yes, my other godson.

"You know Weasley your entire family are all just a bunch of -"

I wasn't going to let him complete that sentence. I folded my arms across my chest as I interrupted him,"Yes Draco? Please inform me what the Weasleys are."

"Uh ... nothing, nothing at all, Professor," He admitted, ending his statement with a sweet smile.

I may not be Lucius' favorite relative, because I was friends with the Potters and the Weasleys, but Draco truly respected me. Besides, his mother would have been furious if she found out the he told me off.

"That's what I thought. Now go on and get ready okay?" I requested. My tone instantly warmed up at that smile. Draco, despite the show he put on at school, was a great kid. 

Draco smiled at me but made sure to cast one last glare at Fred, George and Lee before he ran off.

"Thanks for that Professor. If he continued, he better had started running." Lee admitted.

"No problem, Lee. There are benefits of being a godmother, you know," I joked.

"Speaking of which, when can we tell you more about our pranks?" George asked.

"How does that have anything to do with her being a god mother?" Lee asked laughing.

"Oh, never mind Lee," Fred hushed as he turned his attention to me. "So Stacey - Professor, sorry, when can we tell you?"

"Well," I said glancing outside the window. The train would be stopping in only a couple more minutes. "Not now, but very soon. I promise."

The boys sighed disappointed but still agreed. I continued on with my walk when I finally reached Ginny's compartment. She burst through the doors exclaiming, "Professor! Professor! We are here! I will be put in Gryffindor, right?"

"Yes, Ginny. I'm sure of it. Now run along to Hagrid. You don't want to be late do you?"

I think the only person more excited than Ginny for this year was me. Hogwarts, welcome back Professor Ringe!


Well guys here is Chapter 3! I really hope my few readers (haha) are enjoying it. It means a lot to me. Who is the little boy in Stacey's nightmares and why was she taught Occlumency at such a young age? 

Thanks for reading :) Love xoxo 

Quick note that Stacey is 2 year younger to Lily and everyone. But 3 years to Sirius (he was born a year before James, Lily etc)

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