Chapter 12: The Mistletoe

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The white snow covered every inch of the ground, the lake was frozen and the Christmas decorations were all around the school making everything an extraordinary sight. Snow meant that it was finally time for Christmas and this year, I was heading back home for the season. Remus would be staying with me in my apartment and we were going to have a party with our old friends from Hogwarts. I was ecstatic to be seeing everyone again. As I packed my things Christmas carols played in the background so obviously, I was singing along. It really was the best time of the year. 

"Make my wish come true! All I want for Christmas is you!" I sang.

"I never knew you sang so well."

I spun around blushing to see Severus. He had never brought up the kiss so neither did I. There was no point spoiling such a great friendship for that. We had both gotten over the arguments and after an apology, Severus began to speak me regularly. 

The music went softer as I chuckled, "Well, I am a complete mystery. You will never figure me out."

"I've realized but I will never stop trying too," Severus teased back with a faint smirk on his face. "So where are you off to this Christmas?"

I had an annual tradition of spending Christmas in different places with my friends. Last year, a few of us went to India. It was breathtaking. This year, I dialed it down. 

"I will be staying here. Remus is going to be living with me for a few weeks," I explained. Severus groaned at the mention of our old classmate. I chose to ignore him. "Do you have any plans?"

Severus glanced up at me slowly. "Well, the only person I actually like is leaving Hogwarts, so nothing."

I smiled as I picked up my wand, "Aw, I'm sorry. You could always come and stay with Remus and -"

"On second thoughts being alone isn't too bad," He commented, sitting on the chair by bookshelves. 

I threw my pillow at him making Severus chuckle as well. He laid it down on his lap before staring at me with a soft look on his face. I'd miss him over the break. 

"Are you leaving now?" He asked. 

"Pack," I commanded. Everything flew neatly into my suitcase before it locked itself and waited by the door for me. "Yes, I'm just going to say goodbye to the kids. Do you want to accompany me? You won't have to talk to anyone, I promise."


The firs person we encountered was Draco who was strutting down the hall with Goyle and Pansy by his side. I didn't like those students too much because of how they bullied everyone else in this school. Either way, I tolerated them because they were Draco's friends. We reached Draco and I said, "Hello Draco. I just wanted to say goodbye before I left for the holidays. Your Christmas gift should be arriving by Christmas Eve, alright?"

His face lite up like a Christmas tree as he exclaimed, "What did you get me?"

I winked. "It's a surprise."

"Alright. I think mum will be sending you my gift," He explained. "Have a Merry Christmas, Stacey."

"You too!" I wished. 

Severus said he'd be waiting outside for me as I wished Harry in the Grand Hall. I didn't expect him to come because that would be exceptionally awkward. As I entered the doorway Lockhart stopped me just under the arch of the doorway.

"Hello love, I heard you weren't staying at Hogwarts for Christmas," He pondered. One look at him told me that he was up to something but I couldn't make out what it was. Lockhart looked far too joyful as he had a boyish grin on his face. 

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