Chapter 16: Powers and Boys

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"It is a girl Mr. and Mrs. Ringe, congratulations!" The nurse said.

She handed Jennifer the baby as her husband, Joseph, watched proudly. The hospital room was empty except for them, Dumbledore, and Demetrius. They didn't want anyone else to know about the birth of their daughter, Stacey Angela Ringe, for now.

"She looks just like you, Jennifer," Dumbledore said smiling. "Simply beautiful."

"Thanks," She wished softly. Jennifer had other things on her mind, however. The attention her daughter would get for being born as a Tanni and Ringe descendant would be overwhelming. Stacey had also obtain powers all Dark Witches and Wizards longed for. All Jennifer wanted was to keep her daughter safe. "She will have everyone watching her ..."

"She will be able to get through it all, Jenny. She has us," Joseph whispered, kissing his wife's forehead. "Nothing will ever harm her."

Jennifer smiled at her husband's comforting words. She handed Stacey to Demetrius, a trusted friend who analyzed wizarding protegees, and asked, "What are the powers?"

Demetrius watched the little girl carefully, studying her as a student did their textbooks. He hummed softly before stating, "Resurrection. It will take a while for it to develop but it is there. She has inherited her magical abilities from both of you ... it's all in her. The Dark Arts, battling and visions."

He handed the baby girl over to her Jennifer who sighed, "I can't wait to watch her grow up."

Joseph smiled proudly at their family. He kissed his daughter's head as her dark red hair shown in the sun. 

"It will be perfect," He whispered.

The scene started to fade

I woke up as soon as the image faded out beaming. I had very few memories of my parents together and it warmed my heart to see that. However, at the same time I was immensely shocked. I knew I could see the future but I never knew I could see the past too. The vision only made me miss my parents more than I already did. I had a thousand questions in my mind. Who was Demetrius? What resurrection power did I have? I knew I had to see Dumbledore today.

It was February now and not too much had happened over the past month. Ever since the incident in the Leaky Cauldron Severus had been exceptionally kind to me while I adored. We still had no leads on who opened the Chamber of Secrets and Ginny had proven to be exceptionally depressed. It upset me that I couldn't figure out what was bothering her. Hermione, on the other hand, had started to ask me many questions about what I looked for in a man. Even though it was odd, I answered them all for her. Harry and I had an even stronger relationship that before. You'd say we had lived together all our lives. It was simply perfect! I haven't been to Azkaban in two months but I still had meetings with Cornelius on maintaining it.

As I walked into Dumbledore's office he wished me kindly, "Ah, hello Stacey. What can I help you with?"

"Good morning. Sorry to come so early but I had an interesting vision that has brought up some questions that I wish to discuss with you," I admitted, sitting down in front of his desk.

Dumbledore smiled softly as he asked, "What was your vision about?"

"I saw the day I was born," I stated.

His blue eyes gleamed with joy as he watched me. Dumbledore chuckled, "I remember that day. It truly wonderful. It was the best gift your parents had ever received."

"Yes, it was wonderful to see them alive and happy," I agreed. "Anyway, I learnt many things that really confused me."

"Ask away."

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