Chapter 1: Returning to Hogwarts

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I stared at a picture of Sirius, Remus, Lily, James, Peter and I which was planted firmly on my dresser. I was overcome with sadness and became nostalgic, as I so often did when I looked at this picture. It had been 12 years. 12 years since Lily and James were murdered. 12 years since my Sirius was placed in Azkaban. 12 years since Peter died. 12 years since I've seen Harry. 

It wasn't too long after Sirius was placed in Azkaban that I found out the truth. I wasn't going to let him go without an explanation and what he told me, shocked me. But because we lacked proof that Sirius was innocent we kept everything a secret. We broke up a few months later however, claiming that it was for the best. Maybe it was but not a single day passed that I didn't spend it missing him. 

I stared at myself in the mirror. Ugh, 30 years old. With all the things that happened you'd think that I would have grey hair and wrinkles but I didn't. I looked the same just more mature. My dark red hair was cascading down in light waves. I was said to be a copy of my mother. She too shared my hair color and dark black eyes with a slight hint of navy blue within it. Everyone always said my eyes told a story; a captivating yet heartbreaking story. My fingers scarcely ran over my obvious bags which was caused by countless nightmares and night visions. But I used makeup to cover them up. I had a slim figure, because I was hardly ever sitting. I kept myself busy so that I could keep my mind from wandering. 

Tearing away from the mirror, I picked up my teacher's robe off the bed and slipped it on. It was nice to be going back to Hogwarts this year. Dumbledore made me take a year off last year. I knew why. Harry went to Hogwarts that year and Dumbledore didn't know if I was ready to see him yet. I was a professor at Hogwarts and considered one of the most powerful wizards after Dumbledore (of course) but before Voldermort. I don't pay much attention to my title though. I didn't even think it was true. Frankly, I think people just said it because I came from two well known pure blood families.

From outside, I heard a light knock on my apartment door. I quickly walked over and once I opened it, was overjoyed at my visitor. 

"Good morning!" Remus greeted me cheerfully. He merely chuckled at my pout. "Come on, now. It is a lovely morning."

"Well, yeah, I guess." I mumbled. I wasn't a morning person at all but Remus was always welcomed. "Accio luggage."

As my luggage flew towards us, Remus placed his hand on my shoulder, searching my eyes, as he asked, "Are you ready to see Harry?"

Remus may only two years older to me but his way of talking and sense of authority made him seem much older.

"Yeah, I am but very nervous," I admitted, rubbing my arm.

"Don't be. You're his godmother. He will be ecstatic to meet you," Remus reassured. He slipped around me as he looked at my photos, one being of him, Sirius and I. "Merlin knows he needs family."

I smiled as an owl flew into my apartment. I grab the note and read it out loud, "I will meet you in the teacher's compartment this year, not at your apartment. Sorry. - Severus Snape."

Remus rolled his eyes and stated, "How are you friends with him is beyond me. I mean, you grew up with us! Though I suppose you were always kinder. I guess I deserve the treatment I get."

I laughed and said, "Well there's your answer, Remus. Besides, I see more to him than the surface."

"Of course you do," Remus teased, smirking at me.

 "So, did you hear who is going to be the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher? Lockhart!" I exclaimed, knowing Remus would find this as amusing as I did. We both believed him to be a fraud.

"Ha! Good luck with him, Angie," Remus joked. But as soon as the nickname slipped out, his eyes instantly widened.

I winced at that name. I didn't let anyone call me Angie. It was a nickname from Sirius. It slipped out from Lupin at times but I wouldn't get mad because it was a habit. Old time jokes. He didn't understand why I still cared for Sirius though. As far as he was concerned Sirius was the reason why Lily and James were dead.

"Oh Stacey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, really," He apologized almost instantly. 

"No, no it's okay. Don't worry about it," I reassured, before shrugging it off. "Come on, let's go, shall we? I don't want to be late."

Lupin smiled as he got my bags and left my apartment with me following closely. We joked and talked all the way to platform 9 ¾.


Well there you have it, the first chapter! I'm excited, haha. Hope you enjoy. Please comment. Rate? :)

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