Part 31: You Will Survive

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Finally you wake up with your family surrounding you. "Y/n you're okay!" Rebekah hugs you. "How do you feel?" Your father asks. "I'm fine." Is all you can mutter out. Klaus puts his hand on your cheek. "You're ice cold Y/n.." he says. "I said I'm fine! I just need to warm up." You get up and walk away towards the castle. Draco tries to follow but Kol stops him. "This is a family matter mate. You should stay here." Draco nods and stays behind with Blaise.

You slam your door and begin pacing back and forth. Constant voices are whispering in your head trying to take over. "AHHHHHH" you yell shattering every glass object you had in your dorm. Klaus, Kol and the rest of the Mikaelson's make their way in your dorm. Kol grabs you and chains you up. "We already called Freya. She's on her way to help you." Kol says. "Let me go I'm fine!" You yell. "I'm sorry we can't do that.No ones going to get hurt, you have my word on that." Elijah says. "YOU'RE THE REASON MY MOMS DEAD!" Your eyes begin glowing bright blue and your magic breaks the chains into a million little pieces. "Y/n.. you know I never meant for that to happen.. I had no memories! Please just calm down" Elijah pleads. "You didn't have to erase your memories Uncle Elijah. You chose to.. and look at where my mother is now!" "Please..just trust me I never wanted any of this.. I loved her. I need you to calm down and trust me you have my word." He says softly. "You want me to trust you?" You ask. "Yes!" He answers. "WHERE HAS THAT EVER GOTTEN ME?!" You yell and throw him against the wall. "You know what's great about this school? Almost everything is made from wood!" You rip out a piece of the floor boards and stab it into Elijah. "That's enough y/n!" Klaus grabs you "Don't hurt anyone else.. this isn't you." tears begin forming in your eyes. "I can't help it.. the voices make me so angry." You say "Oh bloody hell we need Freya now!" He tries to hold you back but you push him away and immediately start running. All of your friends are outside the common room. "Y/n!" They all say. "Hey.. Guys.. I'm so sor-" you begin hearing the voices and your eyes turn blue again. "Take that back. I don't care about any of you anyway." There's a hint of evil in your voice. Fred comes up to you "Y/n you don't mean that! What's wrong?" He asks. You glare at him "You cheated on me! You don't get to say what I mean and what I don't!" You grab him with your magic and dangle him over the staircase. "Y/n no!!!" Ginny yells trying to grab you. "If you cause me to lose my focus your brother will take a tumble Ginny. Don't test me." You say sternly and Hermione pulls her back. George, Harry, Draco and Ron all run down the staircases trying to reach Fred. "Please you're our best friend!" Hermione pleads. Ginny walks closer to you "Y/n if you're in there.. you once loved Fred. He meant the world to you. I know you don't want to hurt him you'd never want to hurt any of us!" She begins. You just roll your eyes "You aren't this person you can't let them win. I know you're good inside." She reaches out for your hand. You look at her and you begin pulling Fred up. "Drop him..." one of the voices say. "Show them how bad you can really be.." another says. Without you realizing you let go of Fred and he is now falling. "NOOO!" Ginny screams. You watch and just as he's about to hit the ground Kol catches him. You sigh in relief and so does Ginny. "Guys... I don't know what's wrong with me.. these voices keep-" Ginny hugs you "We know and it's okay.."

You and your friends make it all back to your dorm where Kol took Fred. "And you thought it'd be Klaus to try and kill him." Kol teases. "Kol! She isn't herself " Rebekah chimes. Freya comes running in "Klaus.. I've looked there's no other way.. I'm sorry." Klaus grows upset "No! Look through those grimoires! There's got to be something!" He yells. "My girls.. they can siphon the magic out of her... but they have to put it into something else." Caroline adds. "Get them here. They will put the magic in me." He says softly. "DAD NO!" You cry out. "I'm sorry I have to protect you." Draco is holding you from behind to keep you from losing control. "I won't l-let you.." you say softly. You begin turning pale. "Y/n! Are you okay?" Freya comes to comfort you. "You have to fight this. For us." Kol adds. "I don't want to fight anymore.. I can't save everyone I'm not a savior.." tears form in your eyes. "Darling we know that.." Draco whispers in your ear. "This family needs you, we need you and you are going to survive!" Elijah adds. "Why?..why! I've spent my entire life trying to get our family back together and if anything I-I ruined it okay? I-I broke it , so please just let me go because I'm tired! I'm so tired and if anything I just want my mom.. I just want my mom!" You burst into tears. Draco grip around you grows tighter. Klaus looks at you in shock but you can see the sadness in his eyes. You begin to grow weak and faint. "Y/n!" Everyone yells trying to wake you up.

You wake up in the woods and it's all dark. "Where the hell am I?" You get up dusting yourself off. "Y/n? " a voice says softly. You turn around and see your mother. You run to her and she pulls you in for a hug. "How are you here Y/n? You shouldn't be here!" "I tried to take on the hollow but I-I got sick. I..I can't believe I actually get to see you.." you say tears in your eyes. "No.. you can't stay you have to go.. you have a whole life to live. Get married, have children and when you get back here.. you'll get to tell me all about it.." she says wiping your tears. "I want to stay here with you! I can't leave you alone.." she smiles softly and takes your hand. She leads you to where Jackson and the rest of the crescent wolves were. "I'm not you need to get back to your father.." "HOPE!" You here his voice echo around you. "Tell your uncle Elijah. I'll be waiting for another dance.." she smiles and you give her one last longing hug and you feel yourself begin to wake up..


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